This isn't going to mean as much to you guys, because you probably didn't even know there was a problem... but my big brother made it home! Yay! We thought he was going to be stuck in London, because Heathrow doesn't know how to deal with snow... but this little presh Christmas miracle made it home!
So, we're all home, safe and sound. The snow is falling outside, the tree is all lit, I have yet to start my Christmas Shopping... Things are exactly as they should be.
Being with the family reminds me of all the things I love about them. Like that in the morning, when we are all sitting around the table drinking coffee and talking, my mom can say something that will make me laugh so hard that I spit my coffee across the table. And, that unlike most families that would probably be horrified... mine just points and laughs at me... and then continues with whatever they were talking about.
And, I love that when I am home I get to sleep with my little snuggly spider monkey sister; that crawls into bed and instantly attaches herself to my side. I don't love it when the spider monkey snores in my ear... but certain things can get overlooked, I suppose.
Do you wanna know what is harder to overlook though?! That if you even look in the direction of the bathroom, that instantly three people run towards it, so as not to get the last shower. People have been wounded during this fight. Yesterday I lost...
I guess I can make it through a few cold showers though... because the rest of it is pretty damn good.