I am not quite ready to not laugh at people when they fall on their ass in the snow. I know I said I would work on it, but, just not yet...
Instead, I am still focusing on making the best of the winter season and not complaining... And, really, how can I complain when I remembered that because of the snow, I get to bust out my very favorite winter boots!!!!!!

Oooooh yeah, deaaad sexy!
OK, these aren't actually my fav winter boots, they are replacements of lasts years lighter brown version. But, I wore those boots to a farm and stepped in cow shit... so they were not allowed back in my apartment.
Anyway, these cheapo ugmo boots are so great and I especially like to wear them like the picture indicates... sans pants, only inside of course... like when I am cleaning.
Such a hot freakin look, I know.
I just found your blog address again and got caught up on reading your posts. I laughed out loud a few times:) I love reading your blog and your a great writer and describe things so well. Take care!
Josie! I would love to see you if you come back to DSM!! I love your new hair cut, btw:) I was checking out your pics on FB.
Hope you are well, my dear!
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