But, when it comes to presents, we don't eff around.
By way of example, I will share a little email exchange amongst my family members.
Original email from my brother:
I know we're all very busy persons who could use a bit of suggestive inspiration to further accentuate our holiday shopping. As such, I propose that we follow a form similar to yuletides of yorn and compose a collective, though perhaps not comprehensive, wish list for "Santa's" consideration.
I'm sure we'd all completely appreciate our stockings being chocked full of lottery tickets and beef jerky again this year, but in case you crave variety, here's a chance to solicit something different.
Here's my list of hopeful items to find stashed under the tree...
Apple Magic Trackpad, Apple Wireless Keyboard, Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse, some AA batteries, double knot silver cufflinks, ties and, of course, aged single malt whiskey.
I've even included pics of the trackpad, keyboard, arctouch mouse and cufflinks. Charlie, if you've already ordered that Russian bride for me, you might as well not send her back.
Now, let's hear all of yours.
My response to the family:
Thank you for that list, brother. The Russian has been ordered, so I guess that gets me out of buying you the batteries.
Needs: Work clothes, a really good pair of jeans, black pointy toed heels. Please do not buy any of these items without me though, because it is imperative that I am there and authorize the item being purchased. I plan on being home on Thursday the 23rd, but would be happy to go shopping with any of your on the Sunday following Christmas to save you some money *read: allow you to buy me more things for the original amount of money that you intended to spend*.
Wants: A new purse, any type of body spray/lotion/perfume (please get matching sets of the same flavor and perfume purchases need to be accompanied by the lotions or they will be rendered useless), lip gloss (any flavor, but grapefruit... it reminds me of cat piss).
Well, alrighty then... that should do it for me.
The others have yet to respond... they will though, don't you worry. This is serious.
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