Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Classroom Visit

I am headed home this weekend and because I have a client meeting Thursday night that will shave about three hours off my trip, I took off Friday too! I am so excited to have a chance to visit my mom’s classroom again, it has been awhile since I got to see all those cute little punks!

Like the boy that sat next to me in reading circle looking at me like a total creep… I had to cut reading circle short and ask to grade papers when he asked if I liked to be tickled…

Or, the boy that fell asleep about five minutes after getting to school and didn’t wake up the whole time I was there! I bet if he would have woken up, we would have really gotten along.

My favorite thing about visiting her classroom though is the letter that I get afterwards that say the most encouraging things...

Dear Chraallie: I luve you. Thank you come visting.

Charly: You face pretty. COME BACK!

To: Charlie – When coming back? I miss u or love u.

I can almost picture their little nugget faces, yelling “COME BACK!”...

I am on my way, you little weirdos!

Friday, September 25, 2009

She Works Hard For Her Money

It is our busy season at work… so tomorrow morning, when you all are in bed snuggled up warm and cozy… my alarm will be going off at 5:15, so I can make it to the gym by 6:00 and to work by 7:15. Please make note of the short transition times… I will be here, but I will be wearing my sweaty hat, no make up and probably some inappropriate-for-public-viewing clothes. But that is not what this post is about… I just wanted to tell you that so you can all feel sorry for me, as I am clearly feeling sorry for myself!

Wednesday I felt very smart… I was getting stuff done left and right. Yesterday I was practically rah-tarded. Seriously. I was trying to get stuff done, but for some reason or another things that I thought should take about five minutes, were taking about five hours. Today I am so/so. Actually, I am probably more on the retarded side, but yesterday prepared me, so I think I am being easier on myself. Hopefully tomorrow I will have my game face back on… that five hours for five minutes bullshit just isn’t going to cut it. One thing that makes me feel a little better about this Saturday business is the Starbucks that I will be picking up on the way in...

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This week is bring a friend week at my gym, so I was so excited when my friend Ryan joined me yesterday. Before they let guests take the Kickboxing class though, they have to do a step test to make sure they won’t die during the class. Well, maybe death is a little dramatic, but you get the point.

So near the end of the class Ryan started saying he couldn’t breathe and being the incredibly supportive friend I am, I just started yelling at him… “KEEP MOVING! COME ON, GO! GO! GO! NO WEAK ARMS, STRONG PUNCHES...” He was looking at me, panting. His eyes were pleading with me to shut the hell up… I just kept on with the yelling… “PUSH YOURSELF, THAT’S WHY YOU DID THE STEP TEST… YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE!”.
It is a good thing he is not asthmatic and didn’t really pass out… because I probably would have felt really bad.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Charlie-Girl Confidential

I am generally very carefully about not putting truly personal things in this lovely little blog. Like dating and any drama relating to said activity… Why, you ask? Well, frankly, because it isn’t any of your damn business!

I kid, I kid!

That is not really the reason.

Seriously, don’t be mad… Let’s hug it out.

There are really two reasons, the first being the most prevalent and that is there isn’t anything to tell. The second reason is, metaphorically speaking… I am the single mother and you are all my babies. I am not trying to bring a lot of random ass men in and out of your life. I love you too much to be a contributory factor to hundreds if not thousands of dollars of therapy bills when you are all grown up…

I have thought about starting another completely private and anonymous blog that allows me to speak freely of all my gory sexipades… but then, I remember that I don’t have gory sexipades and I am pretty sure nobody wants to have to access another site to read Dear Walmart letters or hear about how I cleaned the dust out of my vent covers last night. I really did… line by line with a 409’ed q-tip and I don’t want to sound crazy, but my lungs feel better today… but I digress.

So anyway, I have a date tomorrow. The best kind of date too… a lunch one and lunch ones come with a timer. There is no awkward “Well, what do you want to do after dinner…” discussion and no question in your head about if you lean in for a quick hug or give the head (slightly cocked to the side) grateful nod… A lunch date ends in an hour and with a good firm handshake.

Don’t get all excited though, my track record of first dates would indicate that there is about a 98.7% chance of not getting asked on a second… maybe I should consider ditching the “good firm handshake”…

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dear Walmart

We need to talk. First of all, I want you to know that I am not trying to start a fight. I love you and you should know that I am only asking this question out of a sincere desire to get to know you better.

How does it happen that every time I visit you, I spend anywhere from $70 to $100 dollars? Even when I am just running in and “picking something up”?

You lure me with all of your cost saving goodness, but I never fail to walk out of your proverbial loving arms without looking at my receipt pondering what just happened; feeling cheap and used…

I am not asking for anything special, just the necessities… I don’t want to break up, but I definitely need some answers.



Sunday, September 20, 2009

Girls Night At The Races

Why Girl's Night at the races, you ask?!? Well, simply because we had never been, and what more of an excuse do you need for an adventure than that!

I was channeling my inner Baby from Dirty Dancing right here... awkwardly announcing "I brought the beer..." in order to fit in. Hey, beer to a race is more appropriate than watermelons to a dance! Give me some credit! Please note my completely inappropriate shoes... Inappropriate because they make my already ungodly tall ass about 4 inches taller... but also because they are not conducive to climbing bleachers or parking a mile a way from your destination. I am a genius, clearly.

My giant face and I were so excited to be there! It brought out childlike characteristics in me... like enthusiasm and apparently ignorance... as I announced loudly "So, is there a half time or something?!"

But any embarrassment was forgotten when I met this sexy man... or, um... goat... no, man, I think, definitely man. Men like this crack me up... the cajones on this guy as he and his friend confidently approach us to tell us they had been watching us since we had taken our seats when we first got there... then asked if they could have a picture... Really!? Of course, being the accommodating girl I am, I obliged. Always happy to please a goat, after all.

We did eventually make it back to watch some of the race and Ohhh EEMMMM GEEE... this happened! A real wreck. Right in front of me. See, here again, note the childlike characteristics... excitement and ignorance all rolled up into one. Yes, this is exciting, but there happens to be a person in that fast moving object that is on fire! So, rather than announce how effing awesome I think it is, I should take this into account and keep my mouth shut... and just secretly think it!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Heeeeeeeeelloooo Mr. Motorcycle Guy

Ok… so I was driving back to work from Downtown and of course I was texting…. And there was a motorcycle behind me, which makes it even worse. OK, before you beat me up, just listen!
So, I pull in and get out and the motorcycle guy has followed me to work and is parked behind me… So, I brace myself for getting a lecture about texting and driving… But nope, he just wanted to talk about how I like my Altima because he was thinking about getting one… and then ask me out!
Ha, nice cover with the Altima, buddy... He was driving a BMW Motorcycle, something tells me he is not in the market for a sedan!

Monday, September 14, 2009

For The Charlie-Girl Soul

I heard two of the very best things today... "You're beautiful" and "I am proud of you". *Deep sigh.* Such great words.
The world may not think those things about me. Cynics may say I don't have a lot to be proud of. Even worse... I may not even think those things about myself... But, those people believed it enough to say it... and my heart feels simply delicious.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Abdalla is a cab driver here in Des Moines. He was our cab driver one night and was so nice that he became our "go to" cabbie. I have called him when there are huge cab lines and he is there in an instant... it is pretty fantastic.
Abdalla is so great, in fact, that there have been times when we call him even when we don't need a ride! We just call him to tell him we are good for the night. Now, I understand that calling the cab driver to say hi and let him know you won't be calling later might be a little weird... but when you find someone good, you just can't let that go!!
So, last night I am laying in bed and my text message goes off:
Abdalla: Do you still live in town?
CG: Hi doll!:) Yes, I also understand that these types of nicknames may be the reason for the late night text........ but, again, when you find good help.......ok, whatever, shut up. Quit judging me! Yep, I just haven't gone out for a while. April and I went to Ames today for the game, so I couldn't make it out tonight...
Abdalla: Oh, it's cool. I just missed you and wanted to make sure you were OK!

CG: Awe, thank you! So sweet! We will see you soon, I am sure.
Abdalla: OK! Keep smiling and have a wonderful night. Hopefully you won't have a hangover tomorrow!
I think that Yellow Cab Company should put Mr. Abdalla on a commercial and market their incredible attention to personal client attention........

Tailgate Recap

Here is the group! Lil'Bird, Ryan, Nicole, Charlie-girl and Ms. Becky. We boarded the bus to head to Ames at 6:00 AM.... which meant two things. First that I had to get up at 3:59... I am tired right now just thinking about the fact that I did that... Second, that I had my first beer at about 6:01 AM... Generally when I am drinking and it is dark outside, it is not because the sun hasn't come up yet... but it is football season, so you do what you gotta do!!!
Obviously the Iowa/Iowa State rivalry is strong, but while fan support is clearly defined, we can all enjoy the time spent anticipating the game together!
When the group pictures turned from the gorgeous group shot above to scenes of debauchery like this, at about 8:30 AM none the less... I knew that I was in for a very long day.

So, I did what I do at parties... Excuse myself for a little nap.

I may disappear for a nap occasionally, but don't discount me that easily! I get back up and rock it out!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grumpity McGrump: Mayor of Pissy City

I know... my blogging has been sketchy lately. Work has been crazy!!!! But, you're right, that is not an excuse and if these relationship is going to work, I am going to have to do better!
Let me catch you up on a few things:
  • I had a duh-read-ful weekend, which has effectively put me in a seriously shit-ay mood. Even when I try to be upbeat, it just comes across as that bitchy/sarcastic/fake kind of upbeat... so I have just opted to keep a blank look on my face and only speak when it is absolutely necessary.

  • I went to a wedding this weekend complete with assigned seating and a sit down dinner. At my table there were three couples and me... Across the room however, there were free drinks. My free drinks and I had a marvelous time, I even considered putting out.

  • My hair is dark... I felt like darker hair was more appropriate for fall/football season. But, now I just feel like it would be more appropriate on someone else's head.

See... what'd I tell ya! I tried to warn you! I promise to work on my 'tude tonight and try this again tomorrow!