Dear Mamma -
I feel like you dropped the ball a little bit during my gestation period. I mean, I know it was nearly thirty years ago, but recently things have been brought to light that need to be addressed.
We have already talked about the Folic Acid situation and how you could have kicked it up a notch there, so I won't beat a dead horse... but one of the bazillion preggers girls in my office recently mentioned that she eats healthy because the baby can taste and develop food preferences based off of what the mother eats.
Um... did they have Charleston Chews back in the early eighties?? Were you taking in copious amounts of Starbucks' Carmel Macchiato? I feel like I would prefer eating my lunchtime carrots over gummy bears if you would have paid better attention to what you were putting in your pie hole!
I love you. I really do. Which is why I will look past the initial nine months we spent together and know that since that time you have showed marked improvement. But, thank goodness you did.
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