Typically (and by typically, I mean 99.9999% of the time) I will not be discussing my lady parts with you.
But, since this technically doesn't have to do with my lady parts and it was funny, I will share.
I am adult and all women do it, so I am comfortable with telling you that recently I visiting my doctor for my "annual womanly physical".
Turns out that I am not comfortable at all with telling you that and my face is for reals red right now!
Anyway... So, I walk in and they have plasma TV's all over the place talking about all kinds of great *read: kind of gross* women products. As I was diligently filling out my paperwork and trying to avoid eye contact with... well, everyone... I see a guy on the TV that I work out with almost every day.
As it turns out, he is a lady doc! I would have never pegged him as such either... He looks way more retail at Bed, Bath and Beyond than doctor... but, I guess it just goes to show you that you really can't judge a book by it's cover.
So for some reason, today, I decided to tell the doc that I saw him on TV at the office.
The exchange went like this:
CG: Hey, I have to tell you... I saw you on the TV when I was waiting my appointment last week!
*I still can't exactly remember why I felt the need to do this...*
Doc: Oh, yeah! I am an OB/GYN... There are a lot of ladies here that come in to me.
CG: I just decide staring blankly is best at this point... because all I can think about is the reality of just how much of so many of us (us not meaning me) this guy has seen and I am wishing so much I can take back my initial comment...
Doc: Oh, they all look the same though... you know, it is just my 8 to 5.
Maybe I am not mature enough for that whole exchange, because I really just wanted to respond with "Groooooossssssssssss!" before running away.
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