Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whiny Wednesday

Today is a day that I am going to be a whiny complainer. Ok?! Deal!
First, I hate voicemail. I see the missed calls. I get it. I need to call you back. It takes way too long for me to check voicemail but the little envelope glaring back at me every time I look at my phone drives me nuts! The worst is when the message says, "Hey, it's me, call me back." Oh really!?! No shit?!
Next, I hate read receipts. It makes me think you are questioning my efficiency and response time. If you sent it, I will respond to it accordingly and in an appropriate amount of time. I have a friend that puts Read Receipts on EVERYTHING... Even forwards. Was it really important for you to know that I received your stupid forward and have perused the tragic Walmart Nasties?!
P.S. Keep sending the Walmart Pics... they are funny. Let's cool it with the confirmations, though.
P.S.S. If you insist on leaving a voicemail, please sing. Or use an accent. Or be drunk. Really make it worth my time.

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