This past weekend my mamma and dad came to visit me here in Des Moines! My dad was in an art show, so he was working a lot of the weekend, but the three of us did get to spend some time together.
They wanted Italian food Friday night and my great friend suggested a "mom and pop" type restaurant on, I think.
Anyone of my friends will tell you that I am NEVER the driver, so since I get to be passenger all the time, I never pay attention to where we are at! Therefore, I am incredibly directionally challenged. On top of that, I have a hard time knowing the difference from South and East and North and West....
Anyway... the restaurant we went to was called Tumea and Sons and it was totally delicious. My mom, however, was more impressed with the family story than the food. Basically, the mom and dad fell in love, worked hard, had four sons and started a restaurant. Four sons. Italian sons. Dark and handsome (in her mind) sons. Sons that could (in her mind) provide dark haired and dark eyed grandbabies.
So, she did what any mamma would do... she pimped me out! She informed the waitress that I was single and asked if Louie (of course that would be his name) was working tonight.
Unfortunately he was not....
I am pretty sure that her "trip to the bathroom" was really a trip to kitchen to make sure that waitress wasn't trying to thwart cupid's arrow.
So my mamma was just forced to eat her dinner with the hopes of gorgeous dark grandbabies going right down the spaghetti strainer.
My dad also had dark Italian men on the mind apparently... I realized this when he asked my mom if she wanted to see "the situation".
As he ripped up his shirt and showed my mom his white abdomen a la Mike from the Jersey Shore, I realized that some situations should just be left alone..... And left under clothing.

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