I love the Today Show. Seriously, I am a super fan from way back.
I remember how sad I was when Bryant Gumbel left and when Katie Couric’s husband died… And then how ambivalent I was about Meredith coming aboard, because I thought Ann should have gotten the job… even though I had no reason to be worried, because she is great and Ann travels too much.
So, today, when Al Roker was right here in Des Moines wouldn’t you think that I would have gone to see him?!?
Well, I didn’t. First, because yet again today, I woke up to a freaking thunderstorm; it is like the 37th day in a row for that, I swear. More importantly though… I didn’t need to get up early today to see him… because I will be getting up early at the end of July to see him in NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you hardly believe that I finally get to go to NYC!? And, it is on a family vacation! I am pretty sure that I have never, ever traveled with all my siblings and my parents at one time, because it was always just my older brother and I… then came along the other two little nuggets and Brother and I were too old and cool to go…
Somebody pinch me. Ok, not really though.
So Awesome! If you have a spare minute while you are here, it would so cool if Reagan and could link up with you for a snack or something.
I love that idea!!! I was hoping we could too!
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