This morning on my way to work as I was sitting at a stop light, a glance in my rear view mirror alerted me of a really cute boy! He was driving a nice car, was really cute, and the fact that he was up and about at 7:30 on a Monday morning is indicative of gainful employment! All good signs. I intended on doing a little vehicular flirting when we got on the highway and he could be next to me…
That plan was quickly abandoned though, when I saw him PICK HIS NOSE…. AND. THEN. EAT. IT. I almost threw up when I saw this. I don’t care how cute you are, diggin for gold in public is pretty much a deal breaker, but eating it… I don’t even think there are words for how I feel about that.
That shit is gross, but a little more acceptable when you are five and the boog you just ate is followed by a few tastes of Elmer’s Glue and nap time…. But I cannot comprehend what would allow a mature, adult mind to grab a ball of sticky mucus and put it back in their mouth…. So effin sick.
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