Friday, June 19, 2009

From The Mail Room

Dear Charlie-Girl:

I totally respect and admire the way you deal with guys so I am asking for advice now…

Jack was a huge doucher last night. He was pissed because I wouldn’t skip my workout to look at an apartment with him. Then I wouldn’t go out to meet him at a bar at 9:30 last night. The plan was for him to come over after a couple at drinks but after pissing him off twice, he didn’t call or text the rest of the night. In the morning he usually emails me and calls on my way to work…but nothing. He usually calls around 10:30 (maybe not today since he is being a little bitch) but I’m not sure what I’ll say.

I really like him and things are going really well, minus leaving me to sleep outside and this whole bullshit of a deal. Should I bail? If he really wants this like he says he does, he needs to step it the eff up, right? Or should I play it cool and see want he has to say then jump all over his business? Or just play it cool and take another one up the ass?


Signed: Trouble in Paradise

Dear Trouble in Paradise,

I feel like your dilemma is best described by the Savage song I N D E P E N D E N T.

Do you think guys like us because we are “puppies” that follow them around at bars? No. Do you think that guys will really appreciate the fact that after we date them for a couple of months, our asses grow by 6 inches because we have ditched out on work outs? No.

Live your life and be you. Don’t acknowledge or feed into this little tantrum he is pulling, because just like a child, he will then be trained to think that works. If he calls, great. (He will.) If he doesn’t, or he tries to give you shit, just reassure the poor doucher that you do like him, you just like yourself better.



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