Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Spring Breakers….. Welcome?

Last night was a little bit chilly for a June night and that is exactly perfect weather for hot tubbing. I haven’t been down to my apartment pool yet this season, but I was really in the mood.

At about 8:00 I went and checked out the situation and there was only one other guy in the hot tub, which was great, because hot tubbing with a bunch of people you don’t know and don’t particularly want to talk to is a bit annoying.

I called a friend, who happened to be with her BF, and she said they would head over to join. I guess they meant by head over that they would be there within a few hours… So we actually got down to the hot tub at around 10 ish. By that time, the lone ranger I saw earlier, had turned into a bevy of half naked, drunk bodies…

It was already passed by bed time and I don’t drink during the week (because I have a thing to go to the next morning, called a job)… so I could tell that this was going to be interesting. The breakdown was the three of us, a nice young couple and four people that work at Abercrombie. For the most part our group talked to the couple and the Abercrombies kept to themselves. Then, out comes two guys to join in on the fun, a guy that looked exactly like Woody Harrelson (who was incredibly hammered) and his brother. The separation of groups didn’t seem to please Woody, so he decided we should all do introductions that included names/ages/couple status. *Let me pause to remind you right about now that all I wanted to do was relax in the hot tub for a little bit and then go to bed… I was now seemingly caught in the middle of Real World: Charlie-Girls Apartment Complex…* To make things even more exciting, Woody thought it would be fun to guess everyone’s ages… this wasn’t a game I was interested in playing…

What I wanted to know was, who bought the Abercrombies beer? How did all these drunk fools plan on getting up in the morning to go to work? Do they even have jobs, for that matter, and how did they all afford rent?

Perhaps the most important question of all is how all these people removed their bladders for the night… because while I am showing my age here, I do drink and I know that with drinking comes peeing… and I am pretty sure that not a one of them got up to relieve themselves in the actual toilet.

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