I was walking through a little boutique shop here in town one Saturday and I stumbled across a “StoryPeople” . They are so cute and some of them say the greatest things. My very most favorite one said, “I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep & there are no words for that.” I think that is so amazingly beautiful, it took my breath away… unfortunately, the price tag also took my breath away so I did what any good cheap ass would do… I wrote down the saying on a pad of paper (or perhaps a random receipt in my purse) and left!
What would your StoryPeople say?!
Here are a few StoryPeople of mine….
“I really can’t think of much else better than a glass of White Zin, tons of coffee flavored candles lit through my apartment, a Sade CD and Nakedness.”
“If I am going to be in the car for more than an hour, plan on me not having a voice when I get to my destination…. Because I have just put on a very great concert for an enthusiastic audience of me.”
“I will ask for and listen to the advice my friends give me… And I will know they are my true friends, when they still love me even though I did whatever I wanted anyway...”
“She said, “Why?”, he said, “I just don’t.”. Her spirit wasn’t broken though, because she knew lots of people did.”
Hello Charlie Girl. Thanks for giving my ego a boost today. It was much needed. I will now catch up on your life.
You have got to get over your nakedness!
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