Did anyone watch Dating In The Dark on ABC last night?? The premise of the show is that three girls are introduced to three guys in a pitch black environment, so they are forced to get to know each other on a mental and emotional level, rather than immediately discounting them for the way they look or the fact that you aren’t immediately attracted to the person.
They do a group meeting at first and then are told separately, based on chemistry and personality tests, to whom they would be most suited. From that point they are each given an opportunity to have individual dates, again, in a completely pitch black environment. During these dates you can talk, touch each other to gauge what the other looks likes, kiss… whatever you feel inclined to do.
After these individual dates they brought in sketch artist and each person had to describe what they envisioned the person of the opposite sex to look like. Surprisingly, the guys perception of the girls were pretty dead on, but the girls were way off. They made the guys look way better looking than they actually were... I think the girls were liking what they had so far in regards to conversation and personality and they were just wishful thinking.
Then comes the reveal. The couples went back in the pitch black room and each person was illuminated for the other to see. The person being revealed could not see the reaction of the other. This is when it got sad. Clearly the girls had each really like the guys up to that point, but as soon as they were revealed and you could see that they weren’t really attractive, the disappointment on their faces couldn’t be hidden. The guys on the other hand were elated; they literally were high fiving and doing shots. Meanwhile, the girls were also drinking, but for a non celebratory reason.
At the end of the show each person got to decide if they wanted to meet the other person out on the balcony to potentially move forward with the other person, keeping in mind that each couple really did connect on an emotional and personal level, but none of the couples connected on a physical level. THANK GOD two of the couples chose to meet and move forward… because the one couple that didn’t made me so sad! I couldn’t have handled more than one. The guy was so excited and thought that his girl was so hot. And, there he stood on the balcony just waiting for her…. Finally, he saw her leaving out the front door with her luggage, clearly ending this little ABC reality adventure. Can you imagine a rejection like that?! You put yourself out there, you completely connect with someone, you kiss and laugh and have a good time… but they see you and you are not attractive enough to actually date?! And, you did it on National Television!
At first I was so mad at the girl for being so shallow… but if I am being honest with myself, than I need to admit that I have done similar things… and even more honest with myself, guys have probably discounted me because I am not attractive enough…
Man, that show made me mad. Dating is stupid.
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