Why do guys always win money at a casino and I never do! Do they teach gambling in boys P.E.? You would think after being put in boys P.E. year after year *why do you think I added the girl to Charlie-girl* I would know that!
I suppose the most obvious answer to this question is that I am probably not going to win big on penny slots... I have to play the real stuff.
I have come up with a plan though... and I have to admit, I am pretty much a genius on this one. Ok, boys, we are taking a road trip to the casino. I will give you $20 and if you lose, then you not only got to hang out with me all night and gamble with someone else's money, you only have to give me $15 back! But, if you win... we will split 70/30! Horray! Not to point out the obvious... but just in case, I am the majority winner. Um, duh.
It is a total win/win if you ask me.
I am a big fan of "Work smarter, not harder" and consider this a fantastic excercise in outsourcing!
Who's in?!?!?!
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