When I was little my mom and dad had me in dance and tumbling classes. For some reason, when trying my best to perform whatever task the instructor was having us do, my tongue would just creep on out of my mouth.
I am not sure why exactly, because I wasn’t intentionally sticking my tongue out… it was just something that happened. I can unequivocally assure you, though, that oral activity did not in any way help me master my round-off.
I believe there is even home video of me, in a purple leotard, somersault-ing my way down a mat, while my mom instructed me (loudly) from the sidelines to stick my tongue back in my mouth.
Well, now that I am an adult and more aware of what my tongue is doing, it stays in my mouth where it belongs. But, I have found that I have picked up a different, far less attractive, concentration tic. It seems as though the harder I concentrate or push myself, the more my lips just seem to disappear. I end up looking a lot like Fire Marshall Bill from In Living Color.

It is a good thing that I am not attracted to anyone I have class with, because it is a safe bet that feelings wouldn't be reciprocated.
Author's note: The title of this post is a reference to a song and in no way implicates my actual mother, who has an incredibly large set of lips......................;)
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