Pros: Please see above… that kind of stuff is entertaining. At least to me. And, it is an easy read. I also find the back story very interesting and plan on doing a little more digging to find out just what the backlash was of the book being published. My suspicions were confirmed when I read an post-published interview Jennifer did when she mentioned that the book very nearly didn’t get published because of the implications of what was written and who it would affect.
Cons: I personally think that Jennifer places all the culpability for negative situations that happened in her life on other people. Her parents, her lovers, etc. To me, she didn’t accept any responsibility for decisions she made, relationships she pursued, and actions that all contributed to the life she had. It should be noted, that my mom completely disagrees with me… but this isn’t her blog, now is it! I get it, she was without proper discipline and guidelines and she was exposed to things as a child, that I myself have never even been exposed to as an adult. However… she grew up and gained the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Certain scenarios could have been avoided. That’s all I am saying.
Suggested Read? Yes. If you don’t mind nudity, explicit sexual encounters, cursing, drug abuse, etc. etc. etc.

Love The One You’re With by Emily Giffin: This book is also a very, very easy read. But, not because you feel like you need to read it really fast because it kind of feels like you are doing something wrong like the book listed above. It is just a totally girly love story that you fall into and don’t really want to put down. Basically the main character has to decide between her current husband and a past relationship, who she thinks may have been the love of her life. I am sure you can imagine the scene… The husband is safe and steady and the old love of her life (or as I would call him… her lobster) is sexy and deep and adventurous (in a big city, cultured sort of way… Not in a hiking/hunting/white water rafting sort of way).
Pros: Good story and as the title suggests, it makes you love the one your with. (Unless you are like me and aren’t “with” anyone… then you just kind of feel like you need to make out with someone… and that is never a good feeling when there is no one around!) Also, the book had a great comment in it… at least I think it is in this book... I have been doing a lot of reading lately… It talked about saying the word “Love” as a verb. When I say I love them, it means something that I will do and I will do it unconditionally. Verbs are action, they need work and practice. As does love. I like that.
Cons: Again, I am not “with” anyone… so all this lovey dovey crap just made me kind of mad. Further, her situation with her husband, moreover his family, bore an incredibly striking resemblance to a past relationship situation I have been in and that also made me kind of mad. And sick. And thankful, I suppose. But I digress.
Suggested Read: Yes… as a matter of fact, this is the book I chose for my book club to read. More on that later.
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