I met an old friend after work for a quick drink and then came home and started cleaning. The second I walked into my bedroom, I just turned around. My closet is just out of control. Not with clothes or shoes necessarily, but with lotions and sprays. I have a serious problem. This is not the first time we have talked about this.... All I can say is it has gotten worse.
But, that is not the biggest issues. I threw in a load of laundry and decided to head out for a run. And by run, I mean a light jog. Oh shut up, quit judging. While I was lightly jogging, I was racking my brain trying to think about organizational options in regards to the storage of my lotion and spray collection. I can't stand all of that product just being thrown into my closet after each use.
I made it back home and went to grab a water from the fridge.......

And instantly it dawned on me... Maybe I should just store my collection in there. I am pretty sure my milk, two waters and one lone soldier Coors Light won't mind.
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