Friday, April 16, 2010

Motherly Chats

Each morning, on our way to our prospective jobs, my mom and I talk on the phone.

Today’s conversation went like this:

MTL*: So. I went on a date my last night!

CG: Oh yeah. With who?

MTL: My husband, your father. Dumb ass.

(Well, I think she said dumb ass, because the phone kind of cut out. It would be a safe assumption though, because she calls me a dumbass at least once during every phone conversation we have.)

CG: I see. Just making sure. How was it.

MTL: Oh, great. He is really cute and I totally tried to get it on with him, but he wouldn’t.

CG: *About to gag.*

MTL then proceeds to tell me all about her date…

MTL: So, did you have a date last night?

CG: Nope, I got nothin. Dry as a bone.

MTL: Probably because you are so ugly.

CG: Yes. Probably.

MTL: K. Gotta go! Love ya!

CG: *WTF just happened*

*MTL: Mamma the Llama... What she is and has been affectionately referred to for no reason at all that I can recall.

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