Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Email Exchange: Peer Pressure Attempt Thwarted

Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

From: K Sista

To: Charlie - Girl

CC: J Dub


J Dub stopped by my desk to express his deep feelings about the pub crawl this upcoming weekend. I believe he wanted me to tell you that he ‘is PISSED’ and just wants you to know.

From: Charlie - Girl

To: J Dub

CC: K Sista

Dear J Dub,

Please accept this email as my sincerest apology for not being able to attend your Pub Crawl event on Saturday, April 17, 2010.

As I am afflicted by a “Binge Drinking” problem, events such as pub crawls, that make me feel like I need to power chug shots to keep up, are not exactly in my best interest.

Further, pub crawls that I have attended in the past have resulted in bruises, loss of cell phone and car, overdrafts on my checking account and dates with boys that appear to have been recently incarcerated.

I hope you can appreciate that while your friendship is important to me, not attending this event is important to my personal, physical and financial well being. I look forward to future communication with you in regards to this situation.

Very Truly Yours,

Charlie - Girl

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