My paying attention to my brother paid off... I flawlessly traveled between tube stations, walked from location to location and even took a bus!
My first challenge of the day was to go see the changing of the guards. I decided that I would like to do this at about 9:45 this morning, I hadn't had breakfast and had no idea where I was going. But, after a quick stop at Starbucks and a check of my tube map, I made it with time to spare! My only issue is that I didn't get to read more about what all the formality meant. That may be a stupid statement, but knowing the meaning behind it all would have made it that much better. I did love, though, when the little girl behind me said, "Nooooothing is appenin, mum... this is soooo boriiiiiiing."
Do you totally love it when I write things like they sound in my head?! Particularly the English accent, I am sure...
Anyway, I am not saying I felt exactly like the little girl, because I thought it was awesome, but I should have done my homework.
After the changing of the guards, I kind of just wandered around! It was probably 60 and sunny here today and being able to simply just wander was amazing.
I did have to make a pit stop at the stupid post office to mail a stupid package for my stupid brother...
aaahhhhhhh.... deep breath....
Ok, so my brother isn't stupid... but that damn post office stop did kill nearly an hour! My number in queue (love it!) was 87 and they were at 12. Yeah... uh huh. Literally sat there.. 23... still waiting... 42... still waiting! 57... Uh huh, you guessed it. Finally!
After that little pit stop I went to the National Gallery, where I opted for the audio tour. I didn't want to continue to wonder what the hell things were as I did at the guards...
After the National Gallery my wandering led me to Westminster Abbey and Big Ben. They were so beautiful. Since I have been here, I just can't bring myself to listen to my IPod or anything because I just want to take it all in. I want to hear every accent and language and every sound the city makes. While I was standing near Big Ben, I made myself stop again, for very much the same reason... to take it all in. It was such a beautiful day and I was fortunate enough to be standing in front of something most people, including myself until now, only could experience through history books and television. I just wanted to be in that moment for as long as I could.
aaaahhhhhhh! Deep breath, again, sorry, it was just so awesome!
I stopped at this cute little gastro-pub (love that too, that just means bar the serves food!) for fish and chips and a Guinness. Seriously, I really had fish and chips and a pint of Guinness. When in Rome, right?! Clearly that was not on my carb/protien approved food list, but what can ya do!?
As I was leaving, very close by, I notice The London Bridge Experience, which I wanted to go to. I am a dork and the average age of its audience is probably about 12, but whatev. So, I was trying to poke my head in to see the prices and one of the goblin actors that was manning the door stopped me and asked if he could help. I told him that I was just checking the prices... He asked for how many, I said one. He then asked me what I was doing that night and told me I could go in for half price the student rate. Because I didn't want to pass up the half price student rate, I agreed to meet him at the London Bridge Pub when he got off work in an hour or so. So. Yeah. I can honestly say I have never been asked out by a guy with blood caked on his face and clothes...
During part of the tour you had to get your picture taken, so of course they can sell it to you later... So, I am in line and the first group goes up... a family of about 6... then the next group... a group of high school friend, there were 4 I think. And, then me! Before she flashes the pictures, she announces very loudly... "Are you alone?!?"... Right when I was about to tell her about my boyfriend that mans the door, probably a friend of hers... she asks some random girl from the line to please work the camera, so she could be in the picture with me, so I didn't have to be alone. And, who says London locals aren't nice to tourists?!
So, on with the tour we went... I am sure that you have gathered from my inability to watch scary movies and my deep fear of thunderstorms that I am not the best person in the world to take to a haunted house situation. So, that being said, please believe I didn't have any problems with grabbing the 75 year old German man in front of me, that literally spoke zero English, when scary things happened.
After all of that picture business and my new found friendship with the German grandpa, it seemed like years had passed. I was quickly brought back to reality, though, when I made it to the gift shop exit only to find my goblin... all showered. My stomach dropped. How in the world was I going to get out of this one!? Thank goodness, he just wanted to see how I liked the experience to confirm plans. Yep, 7:00 at the London Street Station Pub... Yep... see ya there.
And, too the Tube I went. As fast as my legs would carry me! Thanks for the half price though!
Now, for tomorrow! I am thinking Harrods!

Do you totally love it when I write things like they sound in my head?! Particularly the English accent, I am sure...
Anyway, I am not saying I felt exactly like the little girl, because I thought it was awesome, but I should have done my homework.
After the changing of the guards, I kind of just wandered around! It was probably 60 and sunny here today and being able to simply just wander was amazing.
I did have to make a pit stop at the stupid post office to mail a stupid package for my stupid brother...
aaahhhhhhh.... deep breath....
Ok, so my brother isn't stupid... but that damn post office stop did kill nearly an hour! My number in queue (love it!) was 87 and they were at 12. Yeah... uh huh. Literally sat there.. 23... still waiting... 42... still waiting! 57... Uh huh, you guessed it. Finally!
After that little pit stop I went to the National Gallery, where I opted for the audio tour. I didn't want to continue to wonder what the hell things were as I did at the guards...
After the National Gallery my wandering led me to Westminster Abbey and Big Ben. They were so beautiful. Since I have been here, I just can't bring myself to listen to my IPod or anything because I just want to take it all in. I want to hear every accent and language and every sound the city makes. While I was standing near Big Ben, I made myself stop again, for very much the same reason... to take it all in. It was such a beautiful day and I was fortunate enough to be standing in front of something most people, including myself until now, only could experience through history books and television. I just wanted to be in that moment for as long as I could.
aaaahhhhhhh! Deep breath, again, sorry, it was just so awesome!
I stopped at this cute little gastro-pub (love that too, that just means bar the serves food!) for fish and chips and a Guinness. Seriously, I really had fish and chips and a pint of Guinness. When in Rome, right?! Clearly that was not on my carb/protien approved food list, but what can ya do!?
As I was leaving, very close by, I notice The London Bridge Experience, which I wanted to go to. I am a dork and the average age of its audience is probably about 12, but whatev. So, I was trying to poke my head in to see the prices and one of the goblin actors that was manning the door stopped me and asked if he could help. I told him that I was just checking the prices... He asked for how many, I said one. He then asked me what I was doing that night and told me I could go in for half price the student rate. Because I didn't want to pass up the half price student rate, I agreed to meet him at the London Bridge Pub when he got off work in an hour or so. So. Yeah. I can honestly say I have never been asked out by a guy with blood caked on his face and clothes...
During part of the tour you had to get your picture taken, so of course they can sell it to you later... So, I am in line and the first group goes up... a family of about 6... then the next group... a group of high school friend, there were 4 I think. And, then me! Before she flashes the pictures, she announces very loudly... "Are you alone?!?"... Right when I was about to tell her about my boyfriend that mans the door, probably a friend of hers... she asks some random girl from the line to please work the camera, so she could be in the picture with me, so I didn't have to be alone. And, who says London locals aren't nice to tourists?!
So, on with the tour we went... I am sure that you have gathered from my inability to watch scary movies and my deep fear of thunderstorms that I am not the best person in the world to take to a haunted house situation. So, that being said, please believe I didn't have any problems with grabbing the 75 year old German man in front of me, that literally spoke zero English, when scary things happened.
After all of that picture business and my new found friendship with the German grandpa, it seemed like years had passed. I was quickly brought back to reality, though, when I made it to the gift shop exit only to find my goblin... all showered. My stomach dropped. How in the world was I going to get out of this one!? Thank goodness, he just wanted to see how I liked the experience to confirm plans. Yep, 7:00 at the London Street Station Pub... Yep... see ya there.
And, too the Tube I went. As fast as my legs would carry me! Thanks for the half price though!
Now, for tomorrow! I am thinking Harrods!

1 comment:
Hahaha... Tell me you didn't stand the poor guy up..did you?!?... Yep you did :) !!!
I love it!
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