Monday, October 8, 2007

Weekend Review

I know my momma will love this one. I can imagine that as soon as she reads this post, she will promptly call me to tell me that I am grounded.

My mom came out to DSM to visit me this past weekend. Friday night, my friends and I took her to the Wells Fargo World Food Festival downtown. It was the typical downtown event…. some stuff to do, some stuff to eat, and the beer tent. It was a good time. The best part of those things is just the people watching. My mom found out that she likes Mojitos and I found out that even if beer gets spilled all over your ass in a crowded public place… you can still have fun! “Focus on what is front of you, not behind you” is a good motto to have in a situation such as that.

Saturday we were looking forward to sleeping in… but for some crazy reason we were up and about at 7:30! So, not to waste the day, we got ready and headed down to the farmer’s market. No wet asses there (thank goodness) and we traded in our mojitos and beer for coffee and oj. It was such a beautiful day that day, it felt like it was the middle of June… definitely not October.

After the farmer’s market we did quite a bit of shopping; they were having some awesome sales… and then just relaxed.

My mom and I met friends for dinner and drinks that night… of course, in the grand traditional of all that I do, it wasn’t quite that simple... We had a little “hiccup” at dinner. By “hiccup” I mean, our waitress was a total bitch. I called for the manager and he was kind of a bitch too at first, but much to everyone’s surprise (and after him listening in on our girly conversations) he took care of all of our food and one round of drinks. Our bill was originally about $140 and the total at the end was $33!!!! So my mom, who happened to be the coolest chick in the world, treated the girls to dinner!

Not to glaze over the rest of the night, even though that is exactly what I am about to do… I will give you a highlight reel: There was almost a fight over a couch-which subsequently almost caused another fight… but don’t worry no fights ever actually happened and all is love now. My mom took dance lessons from a voluptuous black woman and loved every minute of it. I managed to break my favorite black strappy high heels and smash my fingers in a door at the same time. And the entire night ended with my mom and I trying to remember old vacation bible school songs in the back seat of my friend’s car as her husband drove us home and she picked sunflowers seeds out of her lap!

Sunday we ended the weekend with a nice breakfast and a good laugh and back to Peoria she went… It was a great time and I hope she had as much fun as I did!

And now the start of a new week… I am tired already!

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