Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Double let down.
Then, I knew the night wasn't going to be a total let down because the premiere of Nip/Tuck was on. I went home, put on my fav pink fuzzy robe (I looooove living alone)... and settled in for the what was sure to be a dramatic sitcom masterpiece... Wrong-o. It kind of sucked too. There were some decent parts, but over all... not loving it.
I went to bed feeling disappointed and empty. Ok, not really disappointed and empty... I am smart enough to know that it is a TV show and some stupid tradition that I myself have never even participated it... But, I seriously wasn't happy!
Monday, October 29, 2007
My name is Charlie and I am an addict.

I am surprised people don't get stuck to my face when they walk by me...
Weekend Report!

The concert was awesome that night. I know like 10 Rascal Flatts songs and they didn’t sing any of them… but it was still a great time. After the concert we went to Drink and as we were leaving the waitress asked if she could get mine and my friend’s phone number to put us on the VIP list for the Halloween party the next night… so it was shaping up to be a spectacular weekend!!!
The next day I woke up early, feeling great, and it was a beautiful day. I went to the costume store with April to get her costume for the night… Luckily I had one from like three years ago that I hadn’t worn yet, so that saved me at least $50! I went to the gym and then headed home to get ready for the night. While I was getting ready, the cocktail waitress called and confirmed that I was going to be at that bar that night and said that we were for sure VIP, so that meant we drank free all night!!!!! I am not going to lie, that made me feel pretty damn cool! We had so much fun; there were so many funny and creative costumes.
Sunday I relaxed, napped, and watched TV and then met my friend Tammy for a movie. After the movie Tammy, her boyfriend, and I went to a haunted house. They told me that I wasn’t a true Des Moinesian until I had been to Lynn’s Haunted House. It just so happened that Lynn’s Haunted House was the back section of a grocery store in a neighborhood that I probably wouldn’t go to alone… even in the daylight. I was scared alright, and we hadn’t even been through the haunted house! It turned out to be such a good one and the fact that I was really scared for my life being in some dark grocery store in a bad part of down, only made it even better!!! It was a pretty fun adventure and aside from the fact that I walked into a wall trying to get through the dark maze and damn near knocked myself out… it was perfect!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Freakin Friday
I tried to make my morning better with a trip to Starbucks (I broke that addiction cold turkey about a month ago…). But that didn’t even seem to help.
The concert should be fun though… Seeing as my concert experience pretty much boils down to Carmen and Amy Grant, I don’t have a whole lot to compare it to.
Hopefully my mood improves, because at this point… I don’t even want to hang out with myself!!!
On a completely random side note-I recently started actually using my myspace account. Most of you know I had a fake one for a while so I could just look at other peoples, but I decided to take the plunge. Anyway, like 90% of my friends are my little brother and sisters friends. It is really cute when they friend request me and I have met them like once. Bunch of little sweeties!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Travel Schmavel…
The good news is I got some good reading time in while I was out of the office. I read “American Gangster”… the new book that the new movie with Denzel is based on. Pretty good! While I was sitting at the airport an older guy walked by and said, “American Gangster, huh?” and gave me a weird look, like I should be reading Mary Poppins instead… whatev.
When I booked my car for the trip, I got a free upgrade to a “Cool Car” which was a “Sporty Eclipse or similar”… little things make me super happy, so I was excited about that. I got there and they of course gave the Eclipse away, but they did give me a 2008 black Mustang, which was all chromed out. I felt so cool. My hair blowing in the wind, music cranked up… right up until I had to go through a toll booth. This was a problem, because I didn’t have a damn dime!!! I don’t ever carry cash… note to all you would be muggers out there reading my blog and plotting…
I was quickly humbled as I sat, creating a line behind me, and wrote a $ 0.75 check to the Florida Department of Transportation… not once, but twice!!! Oh yeah, I am hot!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sunday Sunday Sunday...
Went out for girls night last night and guess what!?!? We, for the second week, got a completely free dinner. Actually, more than just dinner... by the time we left, I was about 2 drinks passed buzzed, as were all my friends. How cool is that! Free! This time it was because we waited for an hour and 45 minutes for a table (the majority of that time was spent shopping because the restaurant was adjacent to a mall) and because our food took soooo long. I will say though, I will put up with some crappy service if we keep getting these comped dinners out... that shit can get expensive!!!
I am also happy to report that I went to the other girl to do my hair... It looks awesome and it was $40 cheaper than my other guy. I still feel horrible about ending the relationship with my current stylist and I am not sure about how I am going to handle future trips to that mall... but I will figure something out.
I fly out tomorrow for Florida... Don't get excited, it is just an overnight trip. It will probably take me longer to get to my destination with fly time and drive time than time I will actually spend doing my job there... but whatever.
I will keep you posted when I can! Have a great week
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Three things.
2. My friend went to the beauty supply store today and bought me some new product... Now, I can't focus on work because I just want to go home and wash my hair.
3. Speaking of hair. I had another girl in my office, again pretending to be me, cancel my hair appointment for tomorrow night. She got the job done!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
It gets worse. I called this past Saturday and made the original appointment for this coming Saturday… well then I got to work on Monday and I hated my outfit, which makes me hate everything about the way I look, so I bumped up my appointment to this Thursday… Then today, I confirmed with the new girl that she was going to do it… so I would have had to call again to cancel. Now, all of this calling is going to make me look like I am a moron.
So, in my infinite wisdom, I had a girl in my office (pretending to be me) call to cancel because of a last minute work trip. Of course, he answered the phone… which he never does. He knows me and my voice… she freaked out and said (still pretending to be me) that she had another call and asked him to hold on for just a sec. Then we hung up on him.
Seriously… why am I freaking out about this? I am a grown ass woman. I should just call and say, look, I can’t make it. I won’t though; I will wait until tonight on my way home and hope that I get the night receptionist at the salon.
Apparently I am not just a cheater; I am also a chicken shit.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Tired, Drowsy, Sleepy... All of the above!
I love going back to Peoria and seeing my fam, but I am also looking forward to sleeping in this Saturday and having a weekend to do nothing! Isn’t it funny that it is Monday and I am already day dreaming about my weekend.
Don’t worry though; I will get my second wind… probably at about 9:30 tonight… I think my internal clock is on crack.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
First off, I don’t like threats. Tell me what I have to do and I will do it, don’t say you are going to charge me $50.00. Next, there are like a hundred units in the complex and you are telling me you couldn’t measure the washer/dryer closet… and that I am the only one that finds this to be a pain in the ass! As far as the repainting goes, people are going to park any damn place they want, so why force me out of the lot for a night to put the suggestive lines? Finally, thanks for finally fixing my garbage disposal, but that caused my dishwasher to leak… so I am still not happy.
In other news… I decided to part my hair on the opposite side than I usually do today. Thanks to the love of my life, the hot iron, I have breakage and I decided to give my normal part a break to day. I know, it seems silly… but it is kind of throwing me off. Seriously, try it and then you will see-this is a big deal. For some reason when I decided I was going to talk about this in my post today, I thought of Carrie Bradshaw sitting at her laptop smoking a cigarette asking this questions, “When did our parts become such a part of us?”
Clearly my mind works in very mysterious ways! Or I have entirely too much time on my hands…
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Is there a full moon today?
First, I get a myspace friend request from "Shell"... I responded-no approval, because I don't know you. As I am hitting the send button, I am thanking my lucky stars that I opted for the private myspace page. Turns out it was my ex's sister, who I haven't talked to in probably 4 or 5 years and the last time I saw here she was yelling expletives at me from the floor above me at Northwoods mall. Yeah, I politely declined that friend request.
Next, I get a text message that says something about being tagged with the "Bowchickabowbow". It was a forward from a Peoria number that I don't know... I asked who it was, no response.
Finally, I told a friend I would call him back on Sunday "in a few minutes" and then I got stuck going to a work thing and my few minutes ended being like 6 hours... So I just talked to him and he said he hadn't called me for three days because I took too long to call him back... Really? Are you f ing kidding? Whatever.
Ok, in all honesty, even though I am kind of bitching about these things... I like random stuff like that, it keeps the day exciting.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Gender Differences
Fortunately, for anyone with a sense of humor, guys don’t have that same filter. They don’t care if they are driving a semi-truck down the highway, a garbage truck in town, standing in the welfare line, haven’t showered in days, forget coffee breath-lets talk about ass breath, their baby mama is waiting in the car while they run into the store… they are going to flirt their asses off, make cat calls, wave, and generally anything else they can do to get a woman to look their direction.
I personally find this attitude quite endearing. They see something they like and in that moment they go after it. It doesn’t work, I have never seen any women pull over and run to the passenger side of a big rig, but it is cute none the less.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Weekend Review
My mom came out to DSM to visit me this past weekend. Friday night, my friends and I took her to the Wells Fargo World Food Festival downtown. It was the typical downtown event…. some stuff to do, some stuff to eat, and the beer tent. It was a good time. The best part of those things is just the people watching. My mom found out that she likes Mojitos and I found out that even if beer gets spilled all over your ass in a crowded public place… you can still have fun! “Focus on what is front of you, not behind you” is a good motto to have in a situation such as that.
Saturday we were looking forward to sleeping in… but for some crazy reason we were up and about at 7:30! So, not to waste the day, we got ready and headed down to the farmer’s market. No wet asses there (thank goodness) and we traded in our mojitos and beer for coffee and oj. It was such a beautiful day that day, it felt like it was the middle of June… definitely not October.
After the farmer’s market we did quite a bit of shopping; they were having some awesome sales… and then just relaxed.
My mom and I met friends for dinner and drinks that night… of course, in the grand traditional of all that I do, it wasn’t quite that simple... We had a little “hiccup” at dinner. By “hiccup” I mean, our waitress was a total bitch. I called for the manager and he was kind of a bitch too at first, but much to everyone’s surprise (and after him listening in on our girly conversations) he took care of all of our food and one round of drinks. Our bill was originally about $140 and the total at the end was $33!!!! So my mom, who happened to be the coolest chick in the world, treated the girls to dinner!
Not to glaze over the rest of the night, even though that is exactly what I am about to do… I will give you a highlight reel: There was almost a fight over a couch-which subsequently almost caused another fight… but don’t worry no fights ever actually happened and all is love now. My mom took dance lessons from a voluptuous black woman and loved every minute of it. I managed to break my favorite black strappy high heels and smash my fingers in a door at the same time. And the entire night ended with my mom and I trying to remember old vacation bible school songs in the back seat of my friend’s car as her husband drove us home and she picked sunflowers seeds out of her lap!
Sunday we ended the weekend with a nice breakfast and a good laugh and back to Peoria she went… It was a great time and I hope she had as much fun as I did!
And now the start of a new week… I am tired already!
I am back!
Well, as most of you know (and if you don't, that was probably on purpose)... THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!
I am in a new place both literally and emotionally, I have a great group of friends, and not only am I ready to start my new adventures... I am ready to include you in them.
I will try to be consistent with my posts and I hope you enjoy what is to come... And who the hell knows what that will be!!