See what I mean... I knew if I could pull this off, I would be a total hit at the party.
First, I had to make a quick trip to the store to pick up all the items needed... and because I generally stock my fridge with beer and condiments, that meant I had to pick up eggs and oil and everything!!
Then, on to the challenge. Channel my inner Bakerella to make this delicious, but more importantly in my mind, pretty treat. Looks are very important when it comes to showing up at a party, after all!

Sadly, this is what I ended up with.
No! These are not Swedish Meatballs!
They may not look as nice and fancy as Bakerellas, but they were delicious and for a girl that stocks her fridge with beer and condiments and hasn't made anything that didn't involve a microwave or veggies in a bag in an incredibly long time, I think that was one hell of a effort!
This seriously just gave me the best laugh.. I give you an A for effort.. but what the heck.. they don't look anything like the above picture!! Was the choc. melted all the way.. next time try dipping longer and maybe putting a second coat on them!! But I absolutely love that you tried.. I'm thinking about making them for X-mas because everything I see them I crave them for two days straight !! I'll have to take a picture of mine.. trust me I'm sure they will look ten times worse!! ps... they totally do look like Swedish meatballs!
If they are the oreo balls that I usually make...I wait for the almond bark to cool off a bit which makes it thicker. I use a fork to dip the balls and then gently slide them onto waxed paper. I melt some chocolate almond bark and drizzle it on top to hide any 'mistakes' I may have made. It's definitely a trial and error recipe. Bravo for taking it on!!!
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