This is my friend Nicole.
Please ignore the fact that I look incredibly pale, that is just the camera... please also ignore the fact that my hair is way to blond, that was fixed in a follow up appointment Tuesday night. Anyway! She has gigantic hair (even bigger than mine, which is very rare and probably what drew me to her in the first place...), a great personality and even though we haven’t been friends for a super long time, she is quick to call me a skankface or make fun of me for being stupid just as fast as my friends that I have known forever. She quickly just fit in.
She is getting married in September, so I am going to her bachelorette party tomorrow night. Her crazy ass friends decided that it should start at 4:00 PM, because apparently, they want people to end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning or something... I am going to have to seriously pace myself.
Here are a few things that Wikepedia says about bachelorette parties...
While notions of a bachelorette party as a night of drunken debauchery persist in some social circles, it is becoming widely seen in America as an opportunity for female bonding. Yes... female bonding through drunken debauchery, panty exchanges and excessive amounts of droppin it like it’s hot.
Sometimes a daytime picnic or other outing is organized in preference to the more common dinner party. Or in other cases the young women board a bus and shake their asses on a stripper pole.
Dinners and cocktail parties, which provide comfortable opportunities for participants to talk or to give intimate advice to the bride-to-be, are common. Most common topics discussed are vibrators and why we are truly with the douchebag men we are with. Other topics may include, but are not limited to, why that one bitch we don’t like wears so much damn make up... make up won't cover up that much ugly... Express's fall collection and coupons we got in the mail, a major zit we had to deal with all week long, Ne Ne and Kim's fight on the Real Housewives, etc. etc. etc.
Participating in a bachelorette party is always optional, and many brides decline these parties altogether. Neither bridesmaids nor other friends can be required either to attend or to pay for any part of this party. Please refer to the aforementioned "why that one bitch" topic listed above and note that the make up will not be discussed, neither will her but-her face, but your ditchin whoreself will be, should decide to opt out of this party without valid reason.
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