Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Parents Weekend

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Big Apple

I love the Today Show. Seriously, I am a super fan from way back.
I remember how sad I was when Bryant Gumbel left and when Katie Couric’s husband died… And then how ambivalent I was about Meredith coming aboard, because I thought Ann should have gotten the job… even though I had no reason to be worried, because she is great and Ann travels too much.
So, today, when Al Roker was right here in Des Moines wouldn’t you think that I would have gone to see him?!?
Well, I didn’t. First, because yet again today, I woke up to a freaking thunderstorm; it is like the 37th day in a row for that, I swear. More importantly though… I didn’t need to get up early today to see him… because I will be getting up early at the end of July to see him in NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you hardly believe that I finally get to go to NYC!? And, it is on a family vacation! I am pretty sure that I have never, ever traveled with all my siblings and my parents at one time, because it was always just my older brother and I… then came along the other two little nuggets and Brother and I were too old and cool to go…
Somebody pinch me. Ok, not really though.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Embracing Who I Am
A weem o wet a weem o wet a weem o wet a weem o wet
In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight.
My hair is out. of. control.
Friday, June 18, 2010

I am so blessed to have you. I am so proud of you and the fact that aside from mom’s fantastic singing voice, you single handedly hold the large majority of the family’s talent.
There are a million pictures that I could have chosen when highlighting this post, but this is my favorite. It epitomizes you and highlights your talent while displaying your grace.
I will never look at pieces of cardboard without thinking that my dad could build a boat (that actually floats with people in it!) out of it. Or a jewelry box. Or even a dinosaur!
I have always had so much pride in your talent, but when you sang the National Anthem at the Chief’s game, I was thisclose to getting a "I Heart My Dad" tat on my bicep.
While there have been a great many moments of pride, there have also been some embarrassments, if I do say so. Like the time you put ketchup on Stacy’s (practically the coolest girl in junior high) arm. Or the time you drove your car into the back of a loaded school bus, even though I warned you, also in junior high. Those were difficult years for me….
But, those moments taught me how to laugh. You taught me how to find humor and levity in situations that would otherwise make me want to jab a spork in my eye.
More than pride and humor however, you gave me love. Unconditional, unwavering love.
But, you didn’t just love me, you loved God. And, with that, you gave me faith, hope and peace. Because of that love, I know my path is defined and my steps are directed.
And, you loved my momma. I was able to grow up in a home, not a house; with a family, not people I happened to share a last name with. You exemplified how a man is supposed to love and respect his family and his wife.
I am rich. I am blessed. My heart is so full.
I am the person I am because of you.
I love you. Happy Father’s Day.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Weakest Link

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Faker Faker Faker
Anyway, can you believe how freakin tall I am!?!?
The point of this post is that if you are an Iowa Stater. A real one. You should be totally jealous of me right now.
Wang's Panties
But I digress... My first dates not typically progressing into second dates is a whole nother animal and right now, we have a cooler animal to tackle... An animal named Wang, that invented some high tech panties.
According to a website that discusses Scientists and Underwear, a site that I am sure you can imagine I frequent often, Joseph Wang has invented high-tech electronic biosensor underwear that can monitor heart rate, blood pressure, blood alcohol levels and other vital signs.
Can you imagine getting pulled over after having a couple of drinks with your buddies... You are sitting in your car, probably about to piss your high tech panties, thinking... "just act cool, be smart, you're fine"... when all of the sudden the alarm on your grape smugglers begins to sound...
And, I don't mean to channel my inner fourteen year old boy, here... but I am the only one that thinks it is funny the inventors name is WANG!?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
FOUND: One Lover

I don't know exactly what got to me... those precious little curls? The fact that it was probably the first little chunk ever not to burst into tears when I even glanced their direction? The absolutely precious way that she actually wanted to stay with me when I was holding her and wouldn't go to anyone else...
My criminal record consists of speeding tickets and seatbelt violations... but I am not kidding you, I considered kidnapping this little nugget!
I was wearing wedges though, so I probably wouldn't have been able to run very fast. And, her parents were really nice and who needs enemies right? And, she had a twin brother and trying to run with a baby on both hips is more than I was up for.
Oh well. At least I know my lover, deep inside, may not have completely flown the coop!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Smitten Little Kitten
On the walk they saw deer and there were little frogs on the path… it was so sweet and fun! When they passed a wild flower field the boy went out into it, even though the field was about waist high, and picked the girl a bouquet of wild flowers. He was even funny about it and asked if she wanted him to include some marijuana he found in the field, in the bouquet… with made the entire situation less gay and thus something the girl could handle.
The girl, however, was me… so while on the walk… wearing a white shirt… of course a sprinkler system would just have to go off, thus leaving me to take off running while screaming profanities.
It is probably best that the boy knows things like this just happen to me all the time. No sense in giving him a false sense of normalcy, I suppose.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Humbling Moments
The Lord, he has such a sense of humor, that guy… reminds me that I am just Charlie. A total dork that goes to bed sometimes when it is still light out. Falls up the stairs at least once a week. Goes to movies by myself more times a month than what is probably healthy. Sings at the top of my lungs, into my straightner, like I am giving a very serious concert in my bathroom…
Today’s reminder was via bird poop. All over my leg when I was getting out of said sassy new red car. Black dress, awesome red heels.
You know what else is awesome… trying to run in them to the nearest bathroom, so I can remove the excrement from my shin.