Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Misguided Comforts of Home

I have an amazing family; anyone that has ever spoken to me for more than five minutes has heard and anyone that has met them knows firsthand.
They are the family that you can be completely open and relaxed with. I know that if I called my parents tonight and said that I am moving home and intend to focus all of my time and money into an Alpaca farm, they would be supportive. If I shaved my head and tattooed my scalp, they would all laugh at me, but inevitably support me. In fact, I am fairly certain that they would unconditionally love me in any and all circumstances, except if I became a stripper… but, that is another story, another blog…

Being in Des Moines, though, with nobody that loves me like them has conditioned me to be a little more conservative in almost all aspects of my life. You just never know how people are going to take things, so I choose to let my freak flag fly at home and only truly let myself be free when I am around my fam.

This poses a problem, however, when it comes to shopping in Peoria. My sister and my mom get me all comfortable and tell me how great I am… then I try on something that is way to jazzy for my “Des Moines” self and those crazy asses convince me that I can totally pull it off. Well, let me tell you… The weekend comes to an end, I drive the four miserable hours through pockets of cow ass smell, back and find out that they lied to me!!

The first time this happened with a pair of huge-o Nicole Richie style sun glasses and some ridiculously high black heels. Both items were super cute… for someone other than me… This time it is a high waisted gray pencil skirt that wins the prize for inappropriate purchase of the weekend. There are two words that should never be uttered together when discussing items in my (or my grandma’s) closet… High and Waisted.
I can’t think of anything less flattering… but, thanks to my supporting, loving, misguiding, jackass family members, that is exactly what I have been rocking all day long.

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