I set a goal in May to run a 5K. I know what your thinking... big deal! Well, it happens to be a big deal, if you are me! I am not a runner... I hate it in fact. I want to love it... Oh how I want to love it, but instead, the second I start running all I can think about is when I get to stop. Actually, I think, "Man, I hope I don't fall... Good Lord, I can't wait to stop....".
Anyway, this past Saturday was the day of the race. Unfortunately, the Wednesday before I hurt my back... But, I was not going to let that stop me. I set a goal, and by god I was going to complete it! I didn't care how bad my back hurt, I am a 5k running champion, after all! And, I knew it could be perceived as an excuse... and that was NOT happenin!

Do you see the intensity in this face?! Oh, I was going to make this run my bitch, alright!
My mind was ready... but just a few stretches were needed in order for my body to be ready too, of course.
My friends were quick to point out that I looked like I was preparing for the special olympics... I think they were jealous, because they could tell I was about to bust out some major running skills.

OH YEAH... just look at me go!
It was probably pretty hard for them to take this picture, you know... since I was going so fast...
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