Thursday, December 6, 2007

Shout out to the Llama

It’s interesting the little things that you do or hear throughout your life… things that seemingly go in one ear and out the other, stick with you.

For instance, my mom would never let us buy corduroys. I think she shrunk a pair at some point and time. But, now, I won’t even consider buying a pair. I have actually been shopping with friends and caught myself saying, “I am not allowed to buy cords.”!

I thought about this last night when I was carrying in groceries. It was flipping cold outside and I was still wearing my shorts from the gym. As I am standing at my trunk loading as many bags on my arms as possible, while already carrying my purse and gym back… I heard my mom tell me that I was taking the “Lazy Man’s Load” and that if I dropped everything I was the only one to blame.

Luckily, I was able to make it… but now without some extreme flexibility when trying to unlock and open doors.

Thanks for being in my head mom!

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