Friday, December 7, 2007


You know those people that are so horrible at driving in snow that they potentially cause more accidents by how cautious they are??? Unfortunately, that person is me. My hands are firmly at 10 and 2, my seat belt is securely fastened, if someone is driving with me my "Mom Arm" is placed directly in front of them, and my speedometer never goes above about 35 miles per hour. I drove back to my office after a meeting yesterday and I literally had to sit at my desk and regroup after I got back... to destress from the trip.
The funny part about this is that it is directly opposite of how I normally drive. I am such an aggressive, ass riding, speeder in clear conditions. When someone gets in front of me and is going less than 5 to 10 miles above the posted speed limit, I get pissed!
I guess I will just have to accept that I am a dorky grandma driver during this time. I apologize in advance for those of you who have the misfortune of encountering me on a roadway.
I am soooo much more sandals, sundresses, and speeding then cold weather, big coats, and driving for conditions. ;(

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