Generally speaking, I don't really get in bad moods a lot. I get incredibly annoyed by really stupid things like eating noises, drinking noises, breathing heavy, smells, sneezing/coughing, etc... (I am not painting a very good picture of myself, it seems...) But, I just get annoyed by those things, I don't just walk around in a bad mood.
Today, though, I am just in a bad mood. Everything is making me want to pull my hair out. The fact that my office walls are paper thin and I can hear everything that is going on, I spilled coffee on my white shirt, I can't focus on anything, no body has called about my bed and dresser ad that I put on Craiglist, the weather is supposed to be shitty this weekend and that is going to screw up my holiday travel plans... UUUggghhhh....
It is a good thing I don't have any weird drug and/or alcohol additions... because today I would relapse.
And, really, for no reason at all. I need to just pull it together!
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