Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Life Lesson

I was reading a friend’s Myspace page and she posted a blog about funny things that involve her and her family members. She said something about how she used to sing into a recorder and listen to her voice and then delete it…

This made me think of something funny, but something that I actually think about quite often.

When I was like 8 or 9 years old... maybe a little older but not much, we had this mail lady named Rosie. I thought she was so cool. I have no idea why. Anyway, I wanted to give her something really cool. So, I spent hours (This is my memory, so it could have actually been about 20 minutes or so) recording myself singing church songs into a cassette tape for her. I then packaged the tape with a note in a big envelope so I could draw a really pretty picture on the front. Also on the front of the envelope I put, “To My Freind Rosie”. I was just about to take it out to the mailbox for her to find when out of no where, my older brother confiscated the package. I don’t think I would tell him what it was, it was really none of his business… but I wasn’t able to get away that easily. He made a big deal about how I spelled “Friend” wrong. He explained that Rosie wasn’t my Free-end, she was my friend. And that I was a retard.

So, it was funny to hear that someone else recorded themselves on tape like me (even though I sent mine out into the world, while she was smart enough to erase)… but thanks to that memory, I will never ever spell the word “Friend” wrong again.

1 comment:

Kaptain said...

Thanks for letting the whole world know I'm an insensitive jerk.