Monday, August 29, 2011

Case Of The Mondays

Here is a little of me that you may not know...

1.) I pride myself in the fact that I am a quick responder to emails and texts. I don't mess around.

2.) My current fav dinner is a bowl of Shredded Wheats.

3.) Whenever I see Fried Green Tomatoes or Steel Magnolias on TV, I instantly miss my mamma.

4.) I can give myself a pedicure that looks better than a $50 nail spa one. In fact, my little pigs look way better when I do them, then when I go to a place.

5.) One of my many nicknames at work is "Bucket"... as in Charlie Bucket from Willy Wonka. It is my fav and totally cracks me up.

6.) I routinely type out my prayers and email them to myself, because I feel like I can better articulate myself when I am writing then when I am talking.

7.) I, secretly, am totally addicted to all things Jersey. I can't get enough of Jerseylicious, Real Housewives of New Jersey and the Jersey Shore.

8.) I have to drive back home, after I leave my house, at least three times a week to make sure I shut my garage door.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Today is absolutely, amazingly beautiful. It is one of those days that make you so sad that summer will soon be gone.

BF and I slept in, then went to one of our favorite breakfast places in Des Moines East Village and then went for a drive. He always takes me to places I didn't even know existed. Like, this precious little carousel!

I love Des Moines. I love him. I love this day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Special Day

Dad: "This is Tom!"

Charlie-Girl: "Hi Dad!"

Dad: "No. This is TOM."

Charlie-Girl: "...Hi Dad."

Dad: "Not DON, Tom!"

Charlie-Girl: "DAD! Hi DAD. Not Don or TOM, Dad!"

Dad: "Oh, yeah, hi!"

Apparently, on my dad's special day, turning another year older, he is going to celebrate by embracing hearing loss.

Even still, I sure do love him!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Yelling!), Dad!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

If You Can't Beat 'Em....

Over the next several weeks/months I am going to lose my bf each and every Saturday. And some Friday and Sunday nights.

The season hasn't even officially started yet and already there are signs of this disappearing act.

I have been a longtime fan of... well... tailgating and day drinking myself, but I chose to not make it about the game, so much, but more about everything that is going on during that game. Like beer pong. And flippy cup. And delicious cook out food.

This year, though, I am going to make a true effort and read the book that has been collecting dust on my shelf for a few years now....

Get Your Own Damn Beer, I Am Watching The Game! promises to not only entertain me, but to explain football in a way I can understand.

So far, hints such as this when discussing fumbles, "If this type of boo-boo occurs to HIS team, scream at your TV and throw things" do bode well. That. I get.

Friday, August 19, 2011

That'll Teach Me

We are in our "Open Enrollment" (read: incredibly busy) time at work right now and to keep morale up, Senior Managers gave us all Open Enrollment t-shirts to wear on Friday, if we so choose.

I so choose to not wear a big old purple smurple t-shirt in public.

I am rethinking my position on said smurple, however, because they have a drawing for the people who wear them each Friday... So far I have missed out on several $25 gift cards and a dang PTO day. It was the PTO day that got me...

So, last week, I decided to wear mine. But, alas, that particular day, in the grand tradition of how my life works, they threw every body's name in and mine was not chosen. Total waste of a wear.

I was thinking about wearing it this morning and then taking it off after the drawing, but I thought that would be classless and tacky... two things that I am not. I. Am. Not.

Fast forward to now...

I was dying for some Sushi, but since I am busy, I didn't want to go to a place and have it... so I opted for take out.

So, there I was, sitting at my desk, eating my take out sushi with chopsticks, like the fancy beeeotch I am... and I noticed that a co-worker actually did the smurple quick change!

Oh. Em. Gee. Really!

So, I sat there totally judging her lack of class, while pouring some soy sauce on my sushi. Holding my chopsticks in my mouth, a la a walrus... when the CFO walks by and says "Nice Look....".

That is what I get for judging I guess.... Look whose the classless and tacky one now!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mother Nature's Gymnasium

When I go for a run in the morning... since only me and little baby Jesus are up... I take it upon myself to take full advantage of my little piece of the world.

I usually run right down the middle of the road, like I own the place, but today I was feeling a little jazzy, so when I got to my turning point, I decided to bust out some jumping jacks.

I can't imagine what some poor person heading to the early shift would think of a random jumping jacker in the road... Don't think that stops me though... next time, I am doing burpees.

I am totally kissing my muscles right now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



Will you please not put:

on your vehicles??

They totally stress me out. I really get a sick feeling in my stomach and a headache... and the larger the family, the worse I start to feel... And God help us if they have pet pictures.

Do you think that says something about me??

Nah! Me neither!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Remember when you walked around the neighborhood with your friends selling candy bars for church or sports and they were like 50 cents?

Sell one, eat one, sell one, eat one more... Oh, you didn't test your supply?! Yeah, me neither!

Or, when you had to sell like 8 year magazine subscriptions for $5.95? I personally didn't like that one, because I was a horrible salesman and at our school, the more magazines you sold the more Weebles you got for you key chain. I was forced to just stair at other peoples, thinking about how much cooler they were than me and ways I could steal them.

Does anyone else remember Weebles?? The things with crazy troll hair and sticky feet, so you could stick them to your desk??

Sometimes I think I made them up, because no one knows what I am talking about when I mention them (you know, they come up in conversation a lot)... and I googled them and no luck...

Anyway, I digress.

Well, the other day two kids (that actually weren't kids at all, they were like 20) came to my door to sell cookbooks for $45.00 a pop!

What the hell happened to 50 cent candy bars and troll hair dolls? That is practically a full tank of gas! Typically, I would make a pitty purchase... but, as I don't actually cook, therefore would have no use for a cookbook and I don't want to have to budget this in... I am going to take a pass.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Old School Saturday Mornings

Today, BF has a conference to go to at our church, so I am spending the day hanging out with his babycakes. We have a totally fun day planned... lunch at the one, the only... Smasburger (I had to convince his son that Smashburger for breakfast is not the best idea in the world... he is way excited) and then painting pottery!

This morning though, totally has me taking a walk right down memory lane! I used to love, love, love Saturday mornings at home; Saturday morning had the best shows on! California Dreams, Saved by the Bell, Pee Wee's Play House, Fraggle Rock! Do you totally remember those?! The Smurfs and Scooby Doo were on too, but our mom wouldn't let us watch those... you know, all that soul corrupting ghost hunting and sorcery going on...

But, we didn't care, because even though we weren't allowed to watch those shows, they did make us some delicious blueberry "pannycakes".

Oh, how I wish I was eight years old right now! But, since I am way past that, I am just going to join right in with them and pretend I am for a few hours!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Caution: May Cause Bodily Harm

This morning I got a little over zealous with my lotion/spray/body dew oil routine and it is about to cause an accident.

I first noticed my issue when I sat my elbow down on the middle console in my car, only to notice a big ol' grease circle from by elbow.

Next, I nearly bit it walking into work, because my toes are so oily they won't stay in my sandals.

The final clue was when I sat my elbow on my desk (sometimes it takes me a minute to really get things, and apparently the grease circle in the car had already escaped me...) and it slid on down, causing me to fall forward.

I am like a regular old coconut smellin' slip and slide right now... not a dry patch it sight.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

False Sense Of Security

This morning I got up at about 5 to go for a run. Since it was still dark, I grabbed what I thought was my pepper spray out of the car.

It was dark in the garage and apparently I was still half asleep, because when I got about a mile out, into a pretty dark and desolate area, I clutched my pepper spray for security only to realize I had grabbed my extra car key, not my weapon!

Weapon makes me sound so tough, doesn't it!?

What would I have done, jabbed my attacker?? Or maybe tried to start them?

The good news is I made it home safe and sound and because I had my key and not my spray, there was not chance of an another incident like last summer!