We are in our "Open Enrollment" (read: incredibly busy) time at work right now and to keep morale up, Senior Managers gave us all Open Enrollment t-shirts to wear on Friday, if we so choose.
I so choose to not wear a big old purple smurple t-shirt in public.
I am rethinking my position on said smurple, however, because they have a drawing for the people who wear them each Friday... So far I have missed out on several $25 gift cards and a dang PTO day. It was the PTO day that got me...
So, last week, I decided to wear mine. But, alas, that particular day, in the grand tradition of how my life works, they threw every body's name in and mine was not chosen. Total waste of a wear.
I was thinking about wearing it this morning and then taking it off after the drawing, but I thought that would be classless and tacky... two things that I am not. I. Am. Not.
Fast forward to now...
I was dying for some Sushi, but since I am busy, I didn't want to go to a place and have it... so I opted for take out.
So, there I was, sitting at my desk, eating my take out sushi with chopsticks, like the fancy beeeotch I am... and I noticed that a co-worker actually did the smurple quick change!
Oh. Em. Gee. Really!
So, I sat there totally judging her lack of class, while pouring some soy sauce on my sushi. Holding my chopsticks in my mouth, a la a walrus... when the CFO walks by and says "Nice Look....".
That is what I get for judging I guess.... Look whose the classless and tacky one now!
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