Remember when you walked around the neighborhood with your friends selling candy bars for church or sports and they were like 50 cents?
Sell one, eat one, sell one, eat one more... Oh, you didn't test your supply?! Yeah, me neither!
Or, when you had to sell like 8 year magazine subscriptions for $5.95? I personally didn't like that one, because I was a horrible salesman and at our school, the more magazines you sold the more Weebles you got for you key chain. I was forced to just stair at other peoples, thinking about how much cooler they were than me and ways I could steal them.
Does anyone else remember Weebles?? The things with crazy troll hair and sticky feet, so you could stick them to your desk??
Sometimes I think I made them up, because no one knows what I am talking about when I mention them (you know, they come up in conversation a lot)... and I googled them and no luck...
Anyway, I digress.
Well, the other day two kids (that actually weren't kids at all, they were like 20) came to my door to sell cookbooks for $45.00 a pop!
What the hell happened to 50 cent candy bars and troll hair dolls? That is practically a full tank of gas! Typically, I would make a pitty purchase... but, as I don't actually cook, therefore would have no use for a cookbook and I don't want to have to budget this in... I am going to take a pass.
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