When I went to London last year, some friends that I met at a pub were teaching me about a drinking game that they play called "Eff Me". Except, you use the real word, not "eff"... but this is a classy bloggity blog.
Don't worry, this story is not going to have an ending reminiscent of Jodie Foster in The Accused...
Anyway, each person has a kind of "Eff"... Like I would be "Crazy Eff" and someone else is "Sloppy Eff"... So, if it was my turn, I would have to sing this little song:
OOOOOOooooooh Eff Me!!!!! Crazy Eff, What the Eff, Now I want a Sloppy Eff...
And, then Sloppy Eff has to go and sing either my type of Eff or another persons. But, you have to be fast about it, because everybody is clapping and you have to pay attention and know every one's type of Eff, because if you get it wrong, you have to take a shot.
It was a total blast and seriously funny, because when you really get going, you just end of yelling Eff! a lot and there is just something funny about that.
Well, I wrote it down in this little notebook that I carry around, because I didn't want to forget it.
If you don't carry around a notebook or a small thing of post it notes, to jot down ideas when you have them, I encourage you to do so... You just can't imagine how handy that is!
Well... I keep my notebook in my computer bag and the other day, I forgot my bag at BF's house. Now, I am not saying I am a peaker... Ok, actually, I am saying that. Not every single time, but I am not the type of girl you leave waiting in a doctors office for two long, because stuff will end up in my purse.... I am pretty sure that BF isn't like that though... but what if he was and he looked in my computer bag, opened up my notebook and just saw this in big ol' letters on the very first page:
OOOOOOooooooh Eff Me!!!!! Crazy Eff, What the Eff, Now I want a Sloppy Eff...
Can you imagine what a total crazy hooker he probably thinks I am!?!