Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Land of the Living

Ok... perhaps that is a little dramatic of a title, but I for sure thought I was going to die last week. I felt worse than I have felt in years. I was all types of feeling sorry for myself too! It is hard being sick, but when you are sick four hours from anyone that would lay in bed with your sick ass and rub your head... it is even harder! When I finally went to the doctor, he was being so gentle and nice, I just wanted to lay my head on his chest and have him hold me. For obvious reasons I refrained. But I was not happy about it!

So now, other than I have a snot truck parked in my nose, I am feeling much better!!! (I am sure you wanted to hear that!!)

Yesterday I was working really hard to get caught up with work stuff. I was working on one particular problem for a long time and I never left my computer... well, when I got up, I noticed that my black marker was under my butt, opened!!! It is just a little sharpie one, so I guess I didn't notice it. Anyway, so I had two huge black ink stains on the ass of my pants!!! And it was only like 2:00! Luckily, I had enough going on in my office to keep me planted for most of the day, and when I got up to leave most of the others had gone... My favVictoria Secret Khaki work pants are ruined though!

(My Microsoft Paint version!!!)

So, I went to the mall and a casino (I have an explanation!) with Apes last night, so I ran home changed into jeans really fast and we took off. Well later that night I got home, did what everybody does when they get home... ditched my clothes... and was doing some stuff around my apartment. Well, I passed a mirror and freaked the hell out! I was like, "What is on my ass!!!"... the ink had apparently spread to my skin, but I had forgotten about it.... So for a second I thought I had two giant new black moles on my ass!

Luckily that is not the case!

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