live in total small town Iowa.
Population 3,864. One grocery
store and one intersection.
We are experiencing a crime wave.
Monday, one house was teepeed, Tuesday, another house. Wednesday, there were SIX houses and today
everything was teepeed… cars, lightpoles, fences, more houses.
police are in quite a pickle, if you ask me.
They are not used to dealing with anything much more serious than a
speeding ticket or perhaps a public intox at one of our fine watering holes. Plus, one of the houses hit was next door to
the house of a police officer.
These dirty perps are practically laughing
in their faces!!!
for one, appreciate this form of vandalism though. Because my morning run was particularly cold
and my nose was dripping like a faucet….
So, I just stopped, plucked some of the evidence from their mailbox and
blew my nose.
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