Thursday, October 18, 2012


Can we talk? I mean for real.  No, we are not breaking up….
I could tell you about how crappy the weather is today  or how I am wearing shoes that are too small for my gigantic feet, because I was in a hurry when I bought them… but instead, I am going to tell you something real about my everyday life.  How does that sound!?
Fiance has two children.  You may have heard me refer to them periodically as babyboycakes and babygirlcakes.  But, those are not actually their names… they are Kaitlyn and Jacob and they are 12 and 10, respectively.
Can I just tell you… This has been one heck of a change, ya’ll!  I used to do whatever I wanted, all the time.  If I wanted to sleep all day in my favorite spot on the middle of my living room floor.  I did.  If I wanted to stay out late and get breakfast at 3 AM.  I did.  If I wanted to spend all my money on very important (read: frivolous) things like lotions and sprays.  I did.  I only had to be accountable to myself.
And, while that was fun, it was not what real life should be.  It was not satisfying and fulfilling on a long term basis. 
Fiance just forwarded me something from Jacob’s school alerting parents to the fact that there are three confirmed cases of lice in the fourth grade class.  Who would have ever thought that I would a.) not immediately barf when reading the email or b.) contact my boss to request the remainder of the day off to wash all linens in my house or c.) secretly love that I am included on “parent” emails? 
Now, don’t get me wrong… I fully intend to make the little man strip to his undaroos in the garage while I monkey pick my way through his hair.  I, of course, will be fully gloved and covered.
There are certainly times when I need an attitude adjustment and I forget that things aren’t still all about me.  There are times when I am fairly certain they want to punch me right in the face, because for the third morning in a row I made them make their bed.  And, I am pretty sure that if we had video surveillance in our house, on review you would see Kaitlyn and I both exit the room and immediately turn around to flip each other off… with both hands.
But.  I am very thankful for this time and what it has taught me about myself and about my life.  And, how it has made me appreciate my momma.  I am thankful for them and how funny they are and how they can say and do things that make you want to totally cry your eyes out because it is so precious.
Sometimes I get jealo and kind of sad when they talk about things that happened when they were little baby nuggets, but I am excited for when they start dating and going to dances and start experiencing life things.
Wait… did I just totally sum up what every parent, soon to be parent, step parent, etc. has felt since the dawn of time as if I just stumbled upon this profound transitional realization?!
Remember… I did admit earlier… there are times that I forget that things aren’t all about me!

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