Well, that totally happened to me this morning when I almost got stuck in my car.
When I was leaving the gym this morning it was still dark and I was tired and when I went to push my seat belt in the clicker, I did notice that I had to push extra hard... but I really didn't think too much about it.
Until I got home, pulled in my garage, shut the car off and tried to get out. Apparently, my shirt got pushed down into the clicker too and I could not get the seat belt off. Like, it seriously wouldn't budge. I was thinking that if need be, I could cut it off, but I didn't want to cut it and I didn't have anything to cut it with. I supposed I could muster the strength to bite through it, just like the man that had to saw his own arm off... but that would be a last resort, obviously.
Finally, after a few long, grueling minutes of pulling with all my might, I got it off... and ripped my shirt.
I am sure you can only imagine my sense of relief!
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