Thursday, May 26, 2011
Web MD

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011
Childhood Memories

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Mission: Failed

And with that... today, I am the hoochie mamma.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Handyman Hank

Friday, May 13, 2011

Where are my blogs from this week? Two seem to be missing in action...
Let me know what you find out, I guess.
Thanks, LYLAS,
Charlie Girl
Thursday, May 12, 2011
User Error?

Well, that totally happened to me this morning when I almost got stuck in my car.
When I was leaving the gym this morning it was still dark and I was tired and when I went to push my seat belt in the clicker, I did notice that I had to push extra hard... but I really didn't think too much about it.
Until I got home, pulled in my garage, shut the car off and tried to get out. Apparently, my shirt got pushed down into the clicker too and I could not get the seat belt off. Like, it seriously wouldn't budge. I was thinking that if need be, I could cut it off, but I didn't want to cut it and I didn't have anything to cut it with. I supposed I could muster the strength to bite through it, just like the man that had to saw his own arm off... but that would be a last resort, obviously.
Finally, after a few long, grueling minutes of pulling with all my might, I got it off... and ripped my shirt.
I am sure you can only imagine my sense of relief!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Humpity Hump Day
First things first... Chicago was uh. may. zing! We seriously had the best time, even if the Cubbies didn't pull out a win...
Did that just convincingly sound like I actually watched??
In other news. I am one cheap mammasita, so these gas prices are killing me. Also, I happen to have a lease and I am also ridiculous about miles.
Which is why I am happy it is summer, because last night instead of driving to the mall to get my eyebrows threaded... I just hoofed it on over there!
So what if the threading took a little longer than normal because my face was a little sweaty betty from my jaunt and the thread kept slipping... Thanks to the 95 degree temp and the 100% humidity, my big gigantic horse hair provided a shelf for her to rest her little elbow as she worked!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Getting Better

So while my OCD tendencies have not subsided, I think I am making one heck of an effort to manage them better!
Sunday, May 1, 2011

But, then I cave at the last minute and send her a frantic text asking if she can fit me in and she always can… no matter what.
It is not because she is not busy or booked up… it is because she knows me well enough to know my game by now and has prescheduled me in every 4 week on Thursday!
This totally makes me want to sing the song from Cheers about everybody knowing your name.