Last night I took my obligatory trip to Walmart for groceries for the week. While I was shopping I found a cute little breast cancer awareness note pad that was pink leopard skin...
Is it weird that something like a new note pad will make me have a better/more fun day at work?
Well the fact is, something that like would... so I treated myself. Before I put it in my work bag last night I flipped to a random page at the end and wrote myself a little note! How fun will that be to find, like a month or more from now, when I have totally forgotten about it! Working away at my desk only to flip the page and find my Stuart Smalley-esque "you are amazing and doggoneit people like you" note!
Speaking of notes... every Sunday when I go into to church this little man runs behind me, literally pulling on my jacket saying, "Excuse me, Excuse me?!". When I stop he says, "Is your name Lindsey?!", to which I smile and reply, "No, sorry!" and he says, "Oh... Ok..." and then I walk away.
I am not kidding... this same exchange happens every single Sunday!
So. Yesterday, per usual, my coat gets tugged on and I turn to see the man and hear "Excuse me, Excuse me?! Is your name Lindsey?!". This time my response was different. "No, and you ask me that every week... so, what is your name?" He blankly stare and then finally says "Dan."
"Ok, Dan, I am Charlie... now you know my name and I know yours, so we can just say Hi!"
So, church gets out and as I am leaving all the sudden I have a Dan in my face... like, seriously in my grill, I had to lean back, kind of in my face.
He says, "Hi Charlie... You seem like a very positive and kind person, so would it be ok if I sent you an encouraging letter every month or so?!"
Oh, lord.
"Ok, Dan..."
Then Dan says, "Great, what is your address?!" as he shoves a pen and paper into my hand.
So, I did what any independent, smart thinking woman would do....
Wrote it on down! Complete with Apartment number.....
I really hope that in a month or two I am sharing with you the first installment of "Encouraging Letters from Dan" and not telling you about how Dan showed up at 3 AM looking for Lindsey....
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