1.) Faker Faker Faker! Friday night I was a Drake fan. I typically choose my sport team affiliations based off of the person I am going to the game with or the colors I look better in... But, Drake played the Bradley Braves Friday night and I really did feel bad about not representing my home town. However, I don't have any Bradley gear from when I lived in P Town... So... decision made.
2.) The girls and I went to see Country Strong yesterday... so good! There were even tears shed... not mine of course, but there were. Gwyneth Paltrow was so great in it and she really is an awesome singer. And, I know you know how I feel about country boys... and holy moly... deep voiced manly men in totally unfashionable tight Wrangler jeans have a very special place in my heart. Then, as if we had not had enough crappy/sappy... Lil Bird Breath Pants and I decided to stay in and rent... wait for it... The Last Song with Mylee Cyrus. I suppose it was more entertaining than... I don't know, watching Golf, maybe? But, Hannah Montana needs to stick with singing and taking naughty pics with her dad.
3.) My phone is still having issues. I can get texts, but can only text them to certain people. I think it has something to do with the Server at work (which I kind of don't believe, because why would it work for some people, but not others?!) I have done some troubleshooting of the situation myself, like trying to narrow it down to a specific recipient carrier, but I can't come up with anything. I went to Verizon yesterday and the guy says to me... "Well, are you sure you are dialing the right number?!". I just looked at him, because I wasn't exactly sure what to say to someone that very obviously thought I was a moron.... Then later, he asked if I know a number by heart and I did, so I recited it and he said "Hmmm... yep, you got the number right!". Really?!
4.) Every Sunday while I am getting ready for church I watch old school episodes of 90210 on the Soap Network. Like, back when they were in high school and Brenda was still there. I freaking love it. Well, today, since I went to church last night, I woke up at 8 and got to lay in bed until noon drinking coffee and watching. Ha! Should I be embarrassed to tell you that?!
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