I was watching TV last night and getting so sad! We are a crazy society...
I was flipping through the channels and I came across "I Used To Be Fat" on MTV. I had seen a little bit of it before and it made me really mad, but what I saw of yesterday's episode just made me sad. The mom literally said to the girl that she was too fat and she was a disappointment... The girl was an honor student in her senior year of high school and worked full time in an effort to pay for college. Apparently those things were overlooked?!
I am completely, one hundred percent behind being and eating healthy and working out; I don't think it is OK to sit on your ass the majority of the day while taking in copious amounts of fatty foods. However, I think it is also important to recognize that a person is made up of so much more than what they look like and that God make everyone uniquely beautiful and perfectly flawed. How boring would this world be if we were all Angelina's?!?
I am totally guilty of this myself... getting hung up on certain parts of my body that aren't exactly the way I think they should be or focusing on one flaw that other people wouldn't even notice... instead of giving myself credit for being kind of funny sometimes or being a good worker or being organized and responsible in my life...
I hope that someday if I ever have little baby nuggets that I make sure that they know that they are perfectly, amazingly and uniquely made regardless of any imperfections or shortcomings that our society may make them think they have.
I hope, I hope!
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