Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pen Pal

I got home late on Friday night, but checked my mail on my way up to my apartment. I briefly glanced... a newspaper, tax statement, advertisement... nothing good. So, I tossed it on the table on got ready for bed. But, being the obsessive compulsive weirdo that I am, I couldn't leave the mail haphazardly thrown on the table... I had to toss the junk and put the important stuff in it's appropriate place. As I was doing so, a letter fell out of the newspaper... I almost tossed it!
On the envelope, in adorably gigantic letters, that literally took up the entire envelope was my name and address....
In the envelope was my first letter from my new friend Dan!
I could barely contain my excitement as I read through the two pages of preciousness from Dan... telling me about how his dog, Katie, and his cat, Sylvester, just got their rabies and distemper shots at the vet and how his mom made "fantastic raspberry jello" during the holidays!
He finished his letter letting me know that he would really like to hear back from me, but that he would "leave that choice up to me"...
And, do you know what I say to that! Give me a pen and paper, buddy! Emails are so boring, who doesn't like getting a letter in the mail?! I think this little pen pal partnership will be fun!
This is precisely the amount of random, craziness that makes my life so colorful!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Booty Dropper

Up until yesterday, I seriously thought I was a really good singer. I totally made "Santa Baby" my own when I rocked it out during family Karaoke while I was home for the holidays.

Every day, sometime several times a day, I belt out an amazing tune that I was sure my neighbors appreciated.

Everything changed yesterday though... because until then, I also thought I was a really good dancer, too. I mean, I have some serious moves when I am in front of my mirror at home!

But, I went to Zumba last night and it is very apparent that I have been lying to myself. I will give myself a little credit for being able to improvise. Read: Just start shakin my ass when I can't really do the moves...

It was potentially going to be a rough night for me... coming to this harsh reality that I am not the sexy temptress on the dance floor that I thought I was and recognize a potential lack of talent in my crooning...

But then I decided that wasn't the case at all! Duh, how could I have not recognized that I was just having an off night... It wasn't me, we just had a bad instructor! I felt a cold coming on, so my energy was down?! I was stressed about work and lacking focus?!

Yeah, jeez!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Encouraging Notes

Last night I took my obligatory trip to Walmart for groceries for the week. While I was shopping I found a cute little breast cancer awareness note pad that was pink leopard skin...

Is it weird that something like a new note pad will make me have a better/more fun day at work?

Well the fact is, something that like would... so I treated myself. Before I put it in my work bag last night I flipped to a random page at the end and wrote myself a little note! How fun will that be to find, like a month or more from now, when I have totally forgotten about it! Working away at my desk only to flip the page and find my Stuart Smalley-esque "you are amazing and doggoneit people like you" note!

Speaking of notes... every Sunday when I go into to church this little man runs behind me, literally pulling on my jacket saying, "Excuse me, Excuse me?!". When I stop he says, "Is your name Lindsey?!", to which I smile and reply, "No, sorry!" and he says, "Oh... Ok..." and then I walk away.

I am not kidding... this same exchange happens every single Sunday!

So. Yesterday, per usual, my coat gets tugged on and I turn to see the man and hear "Excuse me, Excuse me?! Is your name Lindsey?!". This time my response was different. "No, and you ask me that every week... so, what is your name?" He blankly stare and then finally says "Dan."

"Ok, Dan, I am Charlie... now you know my name and I know yours, so we can just say Hi!"

So, church gets out and as I am leaving all the sudden I have a Dan in my face... like, seriously in my grill, I had to lean back, kind of in my face.

He says, "Hi Charlie... You seem like a very positive and kind person, so would it be ok if I sent you an encouraging letter every month or so?!"

Oh, lord.

"Ok, Dan..."

Then Dan says, "Great, what is your address?!" as he shoves a pen and paper into my hand.

So, I did what any independent, smart thinking woman would do....

Wrote it on down! Complete with Apartment number.....

I really hope that in a month or two I am sharing with you the first installment of "Encouraging Letters from Dan" and not telling you about how Dan showed up at 3 AM looking for Lindsey....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Brief Pause For A Serious Charlie-Girl

I was watching TV last night and getting so sad! We are a crazy society...
I was flipping through the channels and I came across "I Used To Be Fat" on MTV. I had seen a little bit of it before and it made me really mad, but what I saw of yesterday's episode just made me sad. The mom literally said to the girl that she was too fat and she was a disappointment... The girl was an honor student in her senior year of high school and worked full time in an effort to pay for college. Apparently those things were overlooked?!
I am completely, one hundred percent behind being and eating healthy and working out; I don't think it is OK to sit on your ass the majority of the day while taking in copious amounts of fatty foods. However, I think it is also important to recognize that a person is made up of so much more than what they look like and that God make everyone uniquely beautiful and perfectly flawed. How boring would this world be if we were all Angelina's?!?
I am totally guilty of this myself... getting hung up on certain parts of my body that aren't exactly the way I think they should be or focusing on one flaw that other people wouldn't even notice... instead of giving myself credit for being kind of funny sometimes or being a good worker or being organized and responsible in my life...
I hope that someday if I ever have little baby nuggets that I make sure that they know that they are perfectly, amazingly and uniquely made regardless of any imperfections or shortcomings that our society may make them think they have.
I hope, I hope!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blabbity Bla On My Bloggity Blog

1.) Faker Faker Faker! Friday night I was a Drake fan. I typically choose my sport team affiliations based off of the person I am going to the game with or the colors I look better in... But, Drake played the Bradley Braves Friday night and I really did feel bad about not representing my home town. However, I don't have any Bradley gear from when I lived in P Town... So... decision made.
2.) The girls and I went to see Country Strong yesterday... so good! There were even tears shed... not mine of course, but there were. Gwyneth Paltrow was so great in it and she really is an awesome singer. And, I know you know how I feel about country boys... and holy moly... deep voiced manly men in totally unfashionable tight Wrangler jeans have a very special place in my heart. Then, as if we had not had enough crappy/sappy... Lil Bird Breath Pants and I decided to stay in and rent... wait for it... The Last Song with Mylee Cyrus. I suppose it was more entertaining than... I don't know, watching Golf, maybe? But, Hannah Montana needs to stick with singing and taking naughty pics with her dad.
3.) My phone is still having issues. I can get texts, but can only text them to certain people. I think it has something to do with the Server at work (which I kind of don't believe, because why would it work for some people, but not others?!) I have done some troubleshooting of the situation myself, like trying to narrow it down to a specific recipient carrier, but I can't come up with anything. I went to Verizon yesterday and the guy says to me... "Well, are you sure you are dialing the right number?!". I just looked at him, because I wasn't exactly sure what to say to someone that very obviously thought I was a moron.... Then later, he asked if I know a number by heart and I did, so I recited it and he said "Hmmm... yep, you got the number right!". Really?!
4.) Every Sunday while I am getting ready for church I watch old school episodes of 90210 on the Soap Network. Like, back when they were in high school and Brenda was still there. I freaking love it. Well, today, since I went to church last night, I woke up at 8 and got to lay in bed until noon drinking coffee and watching. Ha! Should I be embarrassed to tell you that?!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sigh Of Relief

Could you totally tell how optimistic I was on my last bloggity blog?? I was really actually feeling like that too. New year, new beginning... following an already pretty good one.
And, then yesterday, my world nearly stopped.
I don't know if you have ever been around me for more than 27 seconds, but I have an addiction. I know we have discussed my unconditional love for lip gloss and coffee... but in addition to those beautiful things, I heart my Blackberry. It is the old school one, with the roller ball, too. I don't even care! I loved that elderly, beat up piece of shit like it was a child! In fact, it spent far more time with me than I would ever allow a child to.
And yesterday my roller ball just decided it was done rollin. Leaving me to watch that glaring, laughing star indicating I had 3, now 5, now 12 messages... when I went to bed there were 27 messages and each and every one I had to ignore.
Thankfully I was able to pull myself out of bed this morning even though my breath was shallow, and I found it hard to focus, I was able to retrieve the majority of the messages from my work email...
I was mourning my lifeline, my means of communication... but also thinking to myself, "Is this is?? Did I get to January 4th of 2011 and my great year is coming to an end?!". I know you must think I am being dramatic... but think about your child... and then think about that childs lips not being able to work! You know they want to tell you something... that they are hungry or tired or maybe just that they love you.... but instead, they just look at you with desire and longing in their eyes... but nothing falling out of their little nugget mouths.
Well, welcome to my world!!!
But, thanks to a little begging and a bribe of a lunch to my IT guy... by noon my proverbial heart started beating again.
Tonight, I will rest in peace... and maybe text ya in the morning!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ooooooh, Hello There!

Can you flipping believe it?? Seriously? I mean really??? I used to hear old people say how fast time went by and I totally disagreed with them... Time seemed to goooooo sssooooooooooooo slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllly.
But, now, as it turns out, I am one of them! This year was seriously fast and actually pretty good! No major complaints or heartaches or drama. Just a good ol' year.
I really, really hope that 2011 is even better and you wanna know what?! I think it will be!
Do you see all those hot mammas up there?! Those are all of my great girlies. And, one girl I don't really know. But, whatevs... the more the merrier, right?! We were all totally grown up this year and went to a house party. You know, now that I am only like 66 days from being one year away from 30... doing grown up things like that is appropriate.
Yes. I said that. 66 days from being one year away from 30...
So, anyway. Here's to 2011. Here is to being unequivocally happy and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt and really (reaaaaaally) trying to see the best in every situation and being optimistic and trusting the plan that God has for my life and recognizing the blessings in my life and doing my very best to bless others and to being kind to people.
That is what I want to do this year. And, whatever it was that you wanted... I really want that to happen too.
K. Bye!