Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hookin' for Charity

So, tonight, yours truly will be auctioned off for a date at a Cystic Fibrosis event. I have limited details (Which I hate. I am a planner, people!) about this event, other than 9 guys and 4 girls will have to go on a date with the highest bidders!

Generally speaking, I don’t mind putting myself out there… and for those of you that really know me; I am not one to shy away from attention. But, for some reason, doing this scares me to death. I can just see it now….

“And our next Single up for bid… Ms. Charlie Duncan… bidding starts at $ 5.00.”


“Um... Ok. Anyone?”

“$2.50 Ladies and Gentlemen… it is for the kids….”


(Crickets chirping in the background)

That would piss me right the hell off.

1 comment:

Danny Boy said...

Hey Pretty Girl!! Of course you will get bid on. They will have to say...we need to stop bidding so high people we do have other people to bid on.

Charlie Duncan $5,000,000,000.50

You saved the world Pretty Girl!