Sunday, September 30, 2012

Security Breach

It is our busy season at work, so with that comes time in the office on weekends. 
By a show of hands, who likes working on the weekends?!  Anybody?  Anybody??!  Oh, yes, that is what I thought.  Me neither. 
To make matters worse, I have the early shift and have to be in by 7.  So, by girl time, since I have to leave my house at about 6:20, I have to be up no later than 5:00.  Puke...
For the second weekend in a row, I have succeeded in setting off the office alarm.  Which means frantic text messages to our IT Managers.
They now hate me.
In my defense, I forgot there even was an alarm because we now have key swipe thingies.  ( I am pretty sure that is their technical name.)  So, why would I even need to know a code? 
That might not actually be a good defense, now that I think about it....
But, since there obviously is, I did get a new code this week.  In my defense again, the IT contact I asked forgot to actually activate the code he gave me.  It was probably on purpose, because he hates me for last week. 
I think explaining my situation to the Police Officers this morning, while staff members were arriving really improved my professional image and displayed my ability to deal with adversity.

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