Monday, September 17, 2012

Heelllllllooooo Lady!

Where have you been, I have missed you!!?!  I was taking some time off.  Because I am boring.  I can only put so many different spins on the fact that I get road rage, have gigantic hair, like coffee and hate to run.  It gets to a certain point where you realize I am a total lamo blamo, because you are all so smart…. Not to mention extremely attractive.

But, the simple truth is… I love this little bloggity blog.  I have missed it so much.  And, sometimes you just need a break.  But, it is ok to come back, right?!  Even if I am a total lamo blamo!? 

Here are some highlights about what has been going on.

  • Remember this boy??  I am totally in love with him.  With my whole heart.  I think he is the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on. 
  • He proposed in April. 
  • I said yes.
  • We bought a house in a cute little small town where people let their dogs just ride around in the back of their truck… and when they go into the bar, the dog just hangs out and guards the junky truck like it has cold hard cash in it.
  • Maybe it does?!
  • I digress.
  • I ran a couple of races and did the Warrior Dash, which is like a mud run… It was so much fun and I am totally tough… you have no idea.  I am kissing my muscles even as we speak.

Time flies, as you know, but trying to combine homes and lives and starting new routines…. It was a lot going on.

I really saved you guys, actually, by taking some time off.  Because, there may have been times when I might have been a little… grumpy… not many of course, because I have such a wonderful temperament… but, there were a few.  So, you’re welcome.

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