Thursday, September 30, 2010

September Brings Goodbye

Goodbye 49. Helloooooooooo 50! Hello to another 50 or so good dustbustin years left, my dear clean freak . Hellola.
Goodbye 16. Good bye first year driver. Goodbye fresh teen. Once upon a time, you were my baby brother and now you are on the uphill climb to 20. Please excuse me while I go reminisce about your "Ba and Pha" and the fact that you will always be my baby brother.

Goodbye, 29. Hello thirty!!! Hello to your new oldy moldy balls. Hello B-rad!

Goodbye, 24. Hello late twenties. Hello great friends. Hello Car-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hostess With The Mostest

Ol' Barack is coming to Des Moines today...

He will be attending a private party is someone's home.

I know what you must be thinking...

Well, nope... I'm not. I used up all of my streamers, red white and blue confetti and American flag napkins on Jim Gibbons. And, he didn't even freakin win.

Thanks, a whole heck of a lot, Jim.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Helpful Diagram

I may have mentioned him before..... my neighbor and his disrespectful parking habits. I almost think sometimes that he intentionally parks on the line, instead of next to it, just to piss me off.

That probably really isn't the case, because I am pretty sure he doesn't know who I am... but, still, it seems like it is intentional.

Last night I came home late from a movie, to find that once again, this doucher parked in the space next to my car, like he was blindfolded.

I felt like it was a great opportunity to leave him a little note and a helpful diagram of just how a car should be parked!

You can't really see the top of the picture, but there are several more arrows with "CENTER" clearly displayed.

Hopefully this helps!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wet Wednesday

This morning after Kickboxing I went for a quick run before I headed home...
And, it is a good thing that when Kickboxing is over you look like you got a bucket of water dumped on you because you are sweatin your balls off... well, if you had balls, of course... because it started pouring!
I actually totally loved it. Have you ever ran in the dark, in the rain?!
It is invigorating and instead of thinking about how much I ab-so-lutely hate running, I was focusing on not falling! A very welcomed distraction.
When I got back to my car, I was a disgusting, sweaty, wet mess.... but you want to know what, it felt A-MAAAAY-ZING!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'll Do Me For Now

Just when I start feeling down in the dumps about being 28 and unattached and working a lot of hours.......

I meet these sexy things.

And, then I think.... I am 28 and unattached and work a lot of hours.......

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Picture Share

We are girlies... So before we head to the tailgate, we have a Mimosa!!!!
Doin it Classy!

Bottelson, Colie, Charlie-Girl, Lil Bird, Car-uuuuuuuuh!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Official Retraction

*Clearing my throat.........*

So. It was brought to my attention that a certain Llama I know did not actually push Flax Seed Oil to make my future babies smart... because that would actually only serve to help me have healthy bowel movements before and after the birth.

She actually pushed FOLIC ACID! Apparently, had she not missed a few dosages... this little mix up could have been avoided.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I really wanted to start taking vitamins on a regular basis.
Two weeks ago I decided that this was going to be a new initiative of mine. As you can imagine, I even had "Start Vitamin Regimen" on my weekly checklist.
So, in order to mark the box "Complete", I got a Woman's One a Day, Vitamin E and L-Lysine.
I remember one time that I heard someone say that L-Lysine was good for your skin, which is why that one made the cut.
Their are a couple problems with this new initiative. First, I don't know what vitamins I should really be taking. I know I want to be healthy and never get sick, I know I want to have totally beautiful skin/hair/nails and I know that I want to have tons of energy.... but if I were to choose based off that criteria, I would be taking about 73 pills every morning... and as it stands right now, just with the three I chose, I have to seriously psych myself up because they seem so big and they hurt my throat. I can't even do them all at one time... I just make sure that by the time I get to the gym in the morning I have them all taken, because doing them all at once, especially that early, just seems like too daunting of a task.
So, feel free to give me a call or shoot me a text with suggestions. As you know, leaving a voice message, unless you sing your suggestions or maybe tell them to me with a British accent, is not suggested...

And, Mamma the Llama, please feel free to call me, but do so just to chit chat. You don't have to tell me that I need to take Flaxseed Oil so your grand babies are smart... you have been telling me that for years and I love ya for it, but I get it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whiny Wednesday

Today is a day that I am going to be a whiny complainer. Ok?! Deal!
First, I hate voicemail. I see the missed calls. I get it. I need to call you back. It takes way too long for me to check voicemail but the little envelope glaring back at me every time I look at my phone drives me nuts! The worst is when the message says, "Hey, it's me, call me back." Oh really!?! No shit?!
Next, I hate read receipts. It makes me think you are questioning my efficiency and response time. If you sent it, I will respond to it accordingly and in an appropriate amount of time. I have a friend that puts Read Receipts on EVERYTHING... Even forwards. Was it really important for you to know that I received your stupid forward and have perused the tragic Walmart Nasties?!
P.S. Keep sending the Walmart Pics... they are funny. Let's cool it with the confirmations, though.
P.S.S. If you insist on leaving a voicemail, please sing. Or use an accent. Or be drunk. Really make it worth my time.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Let The Games Begin

Iowa State's defense rose to the occasion last night at the home opener in a 27-10 victory over Northern Illinois. Not that I would know, however, because I was watching the Real Housewives of Washington D.C.
And, Saturday we get to watch a real football team play ball when Iowa takes on Eastern Illinois.
I have said it before and I will remind you now... Iowans are crazy; they are very clearly defined by the college football team they support.
And, being the joiner that I am... I slap on that Hawk gear and just start talking shit.
Do you want to know what I am really excited about though??
The new line of Hawkeye clothes that Victoria Secret came out with, the trip with six of my best girlfriends next week to Iowa City for the infamous Iowa/Iowa State game, getting up early to tailgate, Saturday after Saturday of day drinking at Buffalo Wild Wings....
The obvious things to be excited about.
Because, if I am being completely honest here... why I would not be with all of you on this little bloggity blog... The only thing crampin my style is the actual game.... that I can do without!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Da da dada

Da da dada



Da da dada

Da da dada


What? You can't tell from that amazing Onomatopoeia what that song is???

Today is 90210!

So what if that show came out 20 years ago!

I happen to know that every Sunday morning on the Soap Network from 8 to 10 Dillon, Brandon, Kelly and the gang are hanging out at the Peach Pit.

Not that I watch or anything.......

I am just saying.

P.S. I got all by two things on my Checklist marked off and I still have all day tomorrow to finish it up!

Yeah, that's right. Be jealous!