Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Put A Sock In It

I have never had issues with hearing my neighbors at my place, but recently, the guy that lives below me is getting out of hand.
Saturday, his stupid girlfriend totally stole my parking space and the parking here is pretty much the only complaint I have... it seriously sucks ass.
So, about five minutes after I walked inside, and I heard him yell at the top of his lungs, "Seriously..... shut the F*&^ up!!!!!!!!!!!" I almost ran downstairs and was like, I totally know, she is so annoying, and tell her to move her damn car, too!
But, tonight, I am not on his side. Tonight, I am about to break into his apartment and free his dog. Or, maybe, I will just write a really serious letter about the importance of muzzling and tape it to his door.
Regardless, somethings needs to happen and it needs to happen fast.
I am not putting "RSVP and Please Bring Ear Plugs" on my Jim Gibbons Save the Date mailings.

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